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Roam Freely – From the Dust / CS096 / Crossfade Sounds

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Roam Freely From the Dust 07:21 17
2 Roam Freely Personal Log 09:29 22
3 Roam Freely Virtue 05:53 14
4 Roam Freely Where's RonJon? 05:44 13

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                       < episode#48650 | caramel puff >                        


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
    :...   |___________________|\                                    . ....:

         artist > Roam Freely
          title > From the Dust
           year > 2022
          genre > House  
           mood > tech house x breaks x elecronic x house           

          label > Crossfade Sounds
          catno > CS096

        predate > 2022-11-05
         tracks > 4           
           size > 65.58 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/317756197
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3742696

                  |                 |\
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          codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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    : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
 ...:.. .                                                               ...:...

  01. Roam Freely - From the Dust                                     7:21
  02. Roam Freely - Personal Log                                      9:29
  03. Roam Freely - Virtue                                            5:53
  04. Roam Freely - Where's RonJon?                                   5:44

 :                                                                         :
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 :....::. .                                                               ..: 

     The latest release on Madloch's Crossfade Sounds imprint welcomes Roam    
          Freely to the label with his four-track EP "From The Dust".          

     Roam Freely is a musical project at the intersections of and inspired     
      by themes and sounds from the Black Rock Desert, New York City, and      
      across the universe. It is the creative lens of Dominique Debucquoy-     
      Dodley, who has been producing various forms of electronic music for     
        over two decades. As with many in the field, Dominique's musical       
      journey started with a combination of classical training (clarinet)      
       and parents with good taste. After years in orchestra, the energy       
     shifted to synthesizers and the electronic landscape. DJ'ing began at     
      the community-loved Sundae Philadelphia parties, then to organizing      
       and spinning events in NYC with the Electrobrew crew at the famed       
       Sullivan Room club. Trips to Black Rock City over the last decade       
       sparked new ideas, methods, and compositions, and in 2018 the Roam      
           Freely project was launched. The "Citizen" release on San           

                            ... read more at shopurl                           

      :     x                                                           .:
      ::.... \                                                          ::
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 (  (..  _  )
  \  \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +)
    ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ...............

                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Roam_Freely--From_The_Dust-(CS096)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 44750672 // files: 7

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