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Ruff Stuff, Bress Underground – Foundations EP / SBR013 / Slothboogie

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Ruff Stuff Foundations 06:26 15
2 Ruff Stuff Sliding Sine 05:58 14
3 Ruff Stuff The Community 05:40 13
4 Ruff Stuff Something About It 06:07 14

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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Ruff Stuff & Bress Underground
          title > Foundations  EP
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > deephouse           

          label > Slothboogie
          catno > SBR013

        predate > 2023-12-08
         tracks > 4           
           size > 55.47 mb

            url > https://tidal.com/browse/album/326243999
           info > https://www.junodownload.com/products/6374862-02

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > LAME 3.100 -b 320
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB FLAC

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  01. Ruff Stuff - Foundations                                        6:25
  02. Ruff Stuff - Sliding Sine                                       5:58
  03. Ruff Stuff - The Community                                      5:40
  04. Ruff Stuff - Something About It                                 6:07

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       SlothBoogie's latest missive brings together two stalwarts of the       
      Italian house scene, Ruff Stuff and Bress Underground, for the first     
     time. The EP begins with two solo excursions from the former, with the    
       warming, sub-bass-and-organ-heavy tactility of 'Foundations' being      
        followed by the driving, spacey and gently acid-flecked throb of       
        'Sliding Sine', which sounds like an early morning anthem in the       
      making. We're then treated to two top-notch collaborative cuts. 'The     
       Community' is a rambunctious, energy-packed workout marked out by       
      swinging, sweat-soaked house drums, sampled preacher-man vocals and      
      drowsy deep house chords, while 'Something About It' is a fiendishly     
     sub-heavy blend of Grant Nelson style speed garage and wide-eyed deep     

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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
Ruff_Stuff_x_Bress_Underground-Foundations_EP-(SBR013)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 57896586 // files:


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