Shamans Dream, Geometrae – Dream River / Shamans Dream Music
# | artist | track title | duration | size, mb |
1 | Shamans Dream x Geometrae | Dream River | 06:13 | 14 |
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O . . O o o + FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC + ! ! | | | | | | /\ /\ _ | . ____!__ /. \ _______ / \\ _|___/ _____\_ )___// _\____\_ )___/ \ ./ /_____ _ ___ _ \ /. / \ \ /. / _\__|____ \ _ ____ _ /// /_____\| __// /______\| __/ \ \ _/ ___//// /_____________/ . \ ______/:/ /_ \________/ |:/_____________\\.:::::/____________\::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| x |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| : _ ___|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|___ _ x . . . . 34345 => C13H16ClNO + 34345 + C13H16ClNO <= 34345 . . . . _ ___._______________________________________.___ _ . . : : . _|_ _| ! : : !. |/ \| .| : : |: _ __./ \ __ _ :! : : |: // //. .\\ \\ :| : : |: : x x : :x : : !: ::. .:: :! : :..:. ..... . ........................................... ... ....: < episode#84424 | aids decoded > Shamans_Dream_x_Geometrae-Dream_River-SINGLE-WEB-2023-BABAS . : x :: ___ ______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ________. ____:: : ::/ /__\ /____/ \\ \_/ \\ \___\ \____\ \ |/ /: __:|__ / /| / _ \_ \ _ \_ \ _ / / / | _//: x _\ / _\________\__/____/ /__/____/ \__ \ \__\ \____ /:::: . //_______/ |\____\::::::\____\ \____/::\____/(___\:::: . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :... |___________________|\ . ....: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ artist > Shamans Dream x Geometrae title > Dream River year > 2023 genre > House mood > organic house x downtempo electronica label > Shamans Dream Music catno > predate > 2023-10-20 tracks > 1 size > 14.44 mb url > info > _________________ | |\ ________ _____| QUALITY CONTROL |\ / _ \/ /.______ __________|\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: / / _ /_ \| \\\\\\\\\\\\\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . \______\ \_ __________/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::\____/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : . ..: codec > MPEG 1 layer 3 encoder > Lame quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel source > WEB _____________ _____. /| | ._ _______ ____ ______ ___ \_ |______ . ____/__: /| T R A C K S |:|// /_\_ \_/ /_/ /.___/ / _// ./ /_\:: /|_____________|::/ _/. / / _ / \| \_ \ \___|_. \| : ///////////////::/_____/ /___\ \_ \___\\________/__|\___ /| __/: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::\_____\:::::::::::::::::::::/__________\::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ...:.. . ...:... time 01. Shamans Dream x Geometrae - Dream River 6:12 00:06:12 : : .....: x _ . . ..:> .::. ______/_______ _____/ ____ ___________. :: :___/\\. // ._ \_/______( / _____ ./ /___ ..| |\:: ..:._/ _ \| /. l/ // /. _// /__|___ \::| N O T E S |\:: :.: \____/ '\ \________\ _//___\______\ // _//:|___________|\:: :.. .::: \_______/::::::/______/:::::::\::/____________/:::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\::.. : .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: :....::. . ..: Dream River is a mesmerizing musical voyage that transports listeners through ethereal realms. With each note from the hand pan, guitar, flute, and conga, you find yourself drifting deeper along luminescent waters, following the enchanting melodies that serve as your guide into distant worlds. The immersive soundscape transcends boundaries, inviting you to venture further into the unexplored territories of the subconscious. Dream River is the 4th track from the coming album called Home a collaborative project between Shamans Dream and Geometrae, featuring multi-instrumentalists, vocalists, and cutting edge electronic production. The story is told through the intention of each song, and woven together for the listener to observe each element through the body as a felt experience. The album begins with the sunrise, as each day begins for us here. The seed is then planted with intentions to grow and flourish, to reach the highest potential as a blooming flower. The 5 elements are explored: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. The 5 elements are needs to transform the seed into a flower, for the fullest expression to be witnessed. Once the flower has bloomed, we welcome the moon, to tap into our psychic senses and merge into the dream world once again, to begin the cycle renewed, to return Home. . : x .: ::.... \ :: ____________\__ . . . ..:::: ( (.. _ ) \ \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +) \__\________/::.... ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ............... last nfo update: 20220405
Shamans_Dream_x_Geometrae-Dream_River-SINGLE-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 14981128 // files: 4
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