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Simon Hinter – Phoenix Flight EP / FFD002 / Fluid Funk

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Simon Hinter Phoenix Flight 04:47 11
2 Simon Hinter Belly Belly 05:24 12
3 Simon Hinter Crazy Times 04:43 11
4 Simon Hinter Big Train 05:41 13

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artist > Simon Hinter
title > Phoenix Flight EP
year > 2022
genre > House 
mood > House 

label > Fluid Funk
catno > FFD002

predate > 2022-03-16
tracks > 4 
size > 47.41 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/290023452
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3635554

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Simon Hinter - Phoenix Flight 4:47
02. Simon Hinter - Belly Belly 5:24
03. Simon Hinter - Crazy Times 4:43
04. Simon Hinter - Big Train 5:41


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Dexterous manipulator of soulful grooves and sample-heavy blends, 
German producer Simon Hinter has established as one of the key players 
in the house scene over the past few years, piling up choice platters 
for the likes of Freerange, Madhouse, Nite Grooves and 
Quintessentials, for which his track "Wanna Make Love" made it to 
Disclosure's longed-for DJ Kicks selection. It's with four tracks of 
the same deadeye bouncy ilk that Hinter breaks 2022 for Fluid Funk, 
dispensing his inimitable gospel on his new "Phoenix Flight EP". 

High on jazz clarinet lines, brittle chords and straight up skittish 
drum work out the Chicagoan continuum, the title-track "Phoenix 
Flight" paves the way in the smoothest fashion possible. "Belly Belly" 
follows up with a further exuberant display of loopy funk, flush with 
exhilarated brassy talk, ear-wormy bass and doped-up classic string 
flights. More on the broken beat end of the spectrum, "Crazy Times" 
makes for an understated, slo-churning ride into instrument ... visit 
URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211211
Simon_Hinter--Phoenix_Flight_EP-(FFD002)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 49661571 // files: 7


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