The Dead Rose Music Company – Burnin EP / PFRITE015 / Pomme Frite
# | artist | track title | duration | size, mb |
1 | The Dead Rose Music Company | Baby Please | 06:45 | 16 |
2 | The Dead Rose Music Company | Captain Future | 05:17 | 12 |
3 | The Dead Rose Music Company | Pride | 07:01 | 16 |
4 | The Dead Rose Music Company | Tryin' | 07:19 | 17 |
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O . . O o o + FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC + ! ! | | | | | | /\ /\ _ | . ____!__ /. \ _______ / \\ _|___/ _____\_ )___// _\____\_ )___/ \ ./ /_____ _ ___ _ \ /. / \ \ /. / _\__|____ \ _ ____ _ /// /_____\| __// /______\| __/ \ \ _/ ___//// /_____________/ . \ ______/:/ /_ \________/ |:/_____________\\.:::::/____________\::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| x |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| . |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| : _ ___|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|___ _ x . . . . 34345 => C13H16ClNO + 34345 + C13H16ClNO <= 34345 . . . . _ ___._______________________________________.___ _ . . : : . _|_ _| ! : : !. |/ \| .| : : |: _ __./ \ __ _ :! : : |: // //. .\\ \\ :| : : |: : x x : :x : : !: ::. .:: :! : :..:. ..... . ........................................... ... ....: < episode#61647 | night sapphire > The_Dead_Rose_Music_Company--Burnin_EP-(PFRITE015)-WEB-2023-BABAS . : x :: ___ ______ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ ________. ____:: : ::/ /__\ /____/ \\ \_/ \\ \___\ \____\ \ |/ /: __:|__ / /| / _ \_ \ _ \_ \ _ / / / | _//: x _\ / _\________\__/____/ /__/____/ \__ \ \__\ \____ /:::: . //_______/ |\____\::::::\____\ \____/::\____/(___\:::: . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :... |___________________|\ . ....: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ artist > The Dead Rose Music Company title > Burnin EP year > 2023 genre > House mood > House label > Pomme Frite catno > PFRITE015 predate > 2023-03-16 tracks > 4 size > 60.74 mb url > buy > _________________ | |\ ________ _____| QUALITY CONTROL |\ / _ \/ /.______ __________|\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: / / _ /_ \| \\\\\\\\\\\\\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . \______\ \_ __________/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::\____/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : . ..: codec > MPEG 1 layer 3 encoder > Lame quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel source > WEB _____________ _____. /| | ._ _______ ____ ______ ___ \_ |______ . ____/__: /| T R A C K S |:|// /_\_ \_/ /_/ /.___/ / _// ./ /_\:: /|_____________|::/ _/. / / _ / \| \_ \ \___|_. \| : ///////////////::/_____/ /___\ \_ \___\\________/__|\___ /| __/: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::\_____\:::::::::::::::::::::/__________\::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ...:.. . ...:... time 01. The Dead Rose Music Company - Baby Please 6:45 02. The Dead Rose Music Company - Captain Future 5:17 03. The Dead Rose Music Company - Pride 7:00 04. The Dead Rose Music Company - Tryin' 7:19 00:26:21 : : .....: x _ . . ..:> .::. ______/_______ _____/ ____ ___________. :: :___/\\. // ._ \_/______( / _____ ./ /___ ..| |\:: ..:._/ _ \| /. l/ // /. _// /__|___ \::| N O T E S |\:: :.: \____/ '\ \________\ _//___\______\ // _//:|___________|\:: :.. .::: \_______/::::::/______/:::::::\::/____________/:::::\\\\\\\\\\\\\::.. : .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: :....::. . ..: Taikomochi co-founder Dead Rose Music Company has appeared on all manner of labels since making his debut 13 years ago, Wolf Music, Young Adults and Let's Play House included. Here he adds another imprint to his CV via a first outing on hyped outlet Pomme Frite. He hits the ground running with opener 'Baby Please', where echoing vocal samples from a much-loved Philly Soul classic rise above a bouncy, peak-time ready disco-house groove, before doffing a cap to Tiger & Woods and pulsating Italo-disco on the throbbing 'Captain Future'. He reaches for filters, reverb and delay on the swirling disco-house loop jam 'Pride', while closing cut 'Tryin' is a hazy, slowly building deep house jam built on mercilessly tweaked and edited disco samples. . : x .: ::.... \ :: ____________\__ . . . ..:::: ( (.. _ ) \ \\____/((_)/ <(+ C13H16ClNO > feed the horse & invest in pinecones +) \__\________/::.... ':v::::V:::::::::................................... . ............... last nfo update: 20220405
The_Dead_Rose_Music_Company--Burnin_EP-(PFRITE015)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 16173430 // files:
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