part of the remix.network

VA – 10 Years Of Plano B Records / PBR91 / Plano B Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Sonic Future Exodus 07:08 16
2 Art in Motion Samsara (Nordfold Remix) 06:20 15
3 Thimble Black Rain 07:30 17
4 Luis Leon Old West Hospitality 06:02 14
5 Ikaro Grati Bay of Kotor 06:39 15
6 Sebastian van Lieven Beauty 06:34 15
7 Elpine Sapphire 06:48 16
8 Vkira Pratigi (Joal Remix) 07:26 17
9 Art in Motion All Faces of Love 06:34 15
10 GESPONA Nebula (Tal Fussman Remix) 05:55 14
11 Martin Tanner Analysis 06:35 15
12 Sanio & Zarth, Vkira Jacaranda (Tony Casanova Remix) 07:23 17
13 Mila Journee Warm Colors 08:08 19
14 Steve Menta Isole, Pt. III 07:44 18
15 Akken Rising 05:54 14

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Various Artists
title > 10 Years Of Plano B Records
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Afro x Deep x Melodic House & Techno x Indie Dance 

label > Plano B Records
catno > PBR91

predate > 2021-12-17
tracks > 15 
size > 235.42 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/270512942
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3563302

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > Lame
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
source > WEB

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01. Sonic Future - Exodus 7:08
02. Art in Motion - Samsara (Nordfold Remix) 6:20
03. Thimble - Black Rain 7:30
04. Luis Leon - Old West Hospitality 6:01
05. Ikaro Grati - Bay of Kotor 6:39
06. Sebastian van Lieven - Beauty 6:34
07. Elpine - Sapphire 6:47
08. Vkira - Pratigi (Joal Remix) 7:25
09. Art in Motion - All Faces of Love 6:34
10. GESPONA - Nebula (Tal Fussman Remix) 5:55
11. Martin Tanner - Analysis 6:35
12. Sanio & Zarth, Vkira - Jacaranda (Tony Casanova Remix) 7:23
13. Mila Journee - Warm Colors 8:07
14. Steve Menta - Isole, Pt. III 7:44
15. Akken - Rising 5:54


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Celebrating 10 years of Plano B records, Art in Motion and Iagon have 
selected a few of their favorites tunes that best represent and 
express the label vision through out these years. Thank you all 
artists involved on the label and everyone that have been supporting 
us. Peace 

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last nfo update 2O211211
VA-10_Years_Of_Plano_B_Records-(PBR91)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 246930271 // files: 15


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