part of the remix.network

VA – 100 Years of Surrealism and Psychedelia / CMVR026 / Cosmovision Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Lascivio_Bohemia Andre Breton Is My Roomie 04:48 11
2 AmuAmu The Secret of Inu Akua 06:06 14
3 The_Oddness Little Bit of Daydream 06:41 16
4 DVNIEL Noche en El Desierto 06:03 14
5 T-Puse_x_Lev_Tatarov In the Disko 06:36 15
6 Kapchiz_x_Isnomad Broken Girl 06:24 15
7 Hajna Spiral Surf 06:12 14
8 Mondocane Touring 05:40 13
9 Tata-Wati Maima (Deuteroz Remix) 07:52 18
10 Chomba Mother's Calling 07:37 18
11 Thommie_G Burn So Bright 06:45 16
12 Don_Mescal_x_Bliz_Nochi Mantra De Jardin 05:39 13
13 El_Extravagante Open Your Mind to the Electropical 06:02 14
14 beatfarmer_x_Pere Karwan 08:41 20
15 Sebastian_Venu Amataque 04:18 10
16 m.age.project Roots and Rabbits 07:05 16
17 Nino_Amarillo_x_Bruja_Desertica Directo Al Espiral 06:24 15
18 John_Key_Om_x_Prismatica Intention 05:36 13
19 De_Las_Esferas_x_Maria_Ashby Kudu 05:26 13
20 Resistencia_Amazonica La Psicojungla 04:14 10
21 Vachantu La Pureza Del Vacio Final 05:17 12
22 Bakean_x_Natascha_Wiese Mi Cuerpo 06:48 16
23 Nick_Gregory_x_Zababa_feat_Behind_The_Moon Ambika 05:52 14
24 Robot_Monkey Alchemist 08:02 19
25 Pata_De_Perro Aluxes 04:37 11
26 Matt_Jah Libera 04:42 11
27 Mada.Mada_x_Carmen_Una Las Puertas (Short Version) 06:10 14
28 Dhanvantri_Dub_feat_Prabhat_Mukherjee Kerva 04:53 11
29 Animales_de_Costumbres Atemporal 07:43 18
30 Ultra_K_x_Felicia_Lush In a While Krokodile 05:39 13
31 Swa_Swally SandDance 06:41 15
32 nigan_(qc) Heureux Hasards 06:21 15
33 Biop6 Gohone 06:18 15
34 T-Puse Zusma 06:56 16
35 Oondza Memoire 06:07 14
36 OM.EL_BEAT El Nagham 07:14 17
37 Coda_Chrome Trippydelic Avec Toi 03:25 8
38 Machka The Rave Wizard 03:56 9
39 Nasca Trippy Chulo 06:06 14

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                        < episode#71880 | aids bunch >                         


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         artist > Various Artists
          title > 100 Years of Surrealism and Psychedelia
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > organic house x downtempo electronica           

          label > Cosmovision Records
          catno > CMVR026

        predate > 2023-06-30
         tracks > 39           
           size > 549.88 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/437448527
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/4116457

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. Lascivio_Bohemia - Andre Breton Is My Roomie                    4:48
  02. AmuAmu - The Secret of Inu Akua                                 6:06
  03. The_Oddness - Little Bit of Daydream                            6:41
  04. DVNIEL - Noche en El Desierto                                   6:03
  05. T-Puse_x_Lev_Tatarov - In the Disko                             6:35
  06. Kapchiz_x_Isnomad - Broken Girl                                 6:24
  07. Hajna - Spiral Surf                                             6:11
  08. Mondocane - Touring                                             5:40
  09. Tata-Wati - Maima (Deuteroz Remix)                              7:52
  10. Chomba - Mother's Calling                                       7:37
  11. Thommie_G - Burn So Bright                                      6:45
  12. Don_Mescal_x_Bliz_Nochi - Mantra De Jardin                      5:39
  13. El_Extravagante - Open Your Mind to the Electropical            6:02
  14. beatfarmer_x_Pere - Karwan                                      8:41
  15. Sebastian_Venu - Amataque                                       4:18
  16. m.age.project - Roots and Rabbits                               7:05
  17. Nio_Amarillo_x_Bruja_Desrtica - Directo Al Espiral            6:24
  18. John_Key_Om_x_Prismtica - Intention                            5:36
  19. De_Las_Esferas_x_Maria_Ashby - Kudu                             5:26
  20. Resistencia_Amazonica - La Psicojungla                          4:14
  21. Vachantu - La Pureza Del Vacio Final                            5:16
  22. Bakean_x_Natascha_Wiese - Mi Cuerpo                             6:47
  23. Nick_Gregory_x_Zababa_feat_Behind_The_Moon - Ambika             5:52
  24. Robot_Monkey - Alchemist                                        8:02
  25. Pata_De_Perro - Aluxes                                          4:36
  26. Matt_Jah - Libera                                               4:42
  27. Mada.Mada_x_Carmen_Una - Las Puertas (Short Version)            6:10
  28. Dhanvantri_Dub_feat_Prabhat_Mukherjee - Kerva                   4:53
  29. Animales_de_Costumbres - Atemporal                              7:43
  30. Ultra_K_x_Felicia_Lush - In a While Krokodile                   5:39
  31. Swa_Swally - SandDance                                          6:41
  32. nigan_(qc) - Heureux Hasards                                    6:21
  33. Biop6 - Gohone                                                  6:17
  34. T-Puse - Zusma                                                  6:56
  35. Oondza - Memoire                                                6:06
  36. OM.EL_BEAT - El Nagham                                          7:13
  37. Coda_Chrome - Trippydelic Avec Toi                              3:25
  38. Machka - The Rave Wizard                                        3:55
  39. Nasca - Trippy Chulo                                            6:05

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      100 years ago the world lived in chaos. Huge wars between humans, as     
     well as great advances in technology that changed forever the face of     
     the world, a world that according to many artists, lived as a prisoner    
      of the rational mind and that did not allow us humans to understand      
                  life and the Universe in its wide spectrum.                  

     This is how, with its mystical origin in Dadaism, Surrealism was born.    
      A movement that sought to explore and venture into the limits of the     
      human mind through art. Initially literature, but also reaching the      
          visual arts and so much more. Then decades later, the first          
     psychedelic artists were born, much closer to music in its origins and    
     who represented a rebellion against the established norms in the face     
                              of a world in chaos.                             

     Today after 100 years, the scenario is complex again. There are wars,     
      there is a technological revolution and the world is coming out of a     
       great chaos caused by a virus that produced a great crisis. Can we      
                    perhaps learn something from the ideas o                   

                            ... read more at shopurl                           

      :     x                                                           .:
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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-100_Years_Of_Surrealism_And_Psychedelia-(CMVR026)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 565875570 // files:


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