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VA – 13 Years Of Quantize / Quantize Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Michele Chiavarini Let Me See You (Clap Your Hands) (Terrence Parker Re-Edit) 08:17 19
2 Scoob x Freez Jungle Deep (DJ Spen Pumped Up The Volume Edit) 05:49 13
3 Dana Weaver x DJ Spen Heavenly (Karizma Remix) 07:39 18
4 DJ Spen presents Marc Evans A Spiritual Dub 07:09 16
5 Ziggy Funk x Taliwa What You Afraid Of (DJ Spen x Thommy Davis Disco Phobia Mix) 08:19 19
6 Jamie Lewis x Marc Evans Without You (Jamie Lewis House Mix DJ Spen Edit) 07:16 17
7 Dave Anthony x Beverlei Brown I Dont Know Why (Manoo Remix) 08:35 20
8 Michele Chiavarini 1 World (Sean McCabe Remix) 08:46 20
9 Tracy Hamlin Never Too Much (Spen x Thommy Club Anthem Mix) 07:48 18
10 Michele Chiavarini x The Jazzcodes The Music Tells Me (Dj Spen x Thommy Davis ReMix) 07:07 16
11 Sheila Ford The Best Of My Love (Original Vocal) 09:03 21
12 Michelle Weeks x Scott Diaz Praise Him (Scott Diaz Main Mix) 06:59 16
13 Marc Evans Supernatural 06:09 14
14 Tracy Hamlin Home (Extended Album Mix) 06:18 15
15 Melissa B Be Free (DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins Flying Colors Mix) 07:33 17
16 RiskSoundSystem x Marc Evans Closer (DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins Remix) 08:00 18
17 Tony Tatum Could It Be Im Falling In Love (Spen x Thommy New Club Anthem) 07:43 18
18 DJ Spen x The MuthaFunkaz x Sheila Ford Always (Danny Krivit Re Edit) 08:19 19
19 Spencer Morales x Hanlei Are You A Winner (DJ Spen Original Vocal Mix) 06:55 16
20 Reggie Steele Surrender (Original Mix) 06:22 15
21 Diephuis x Eastar x Jocelyn Brown Dont Quit (Be A Believer) (SoulphoniX Vocal Dub) 06:22 15
22 Alicia Myers x DJ Spen Right Here Right Now (Mark Francis Re Edit Of DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins x Thomy Davis Remix) 05:24 13
23 Sharon Brown Adams We Got The Funk (Thommy x Spen Remix) 09:10 21
24 Sheila Ford La Costa (Reelsoul x DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins Original Mix) 07:13 17
25 Aaron K Gray x Mark Francis Resting Place 08:18 19
26 Marco Valery x Sharlene Hector Free Love (Michele Chiavarini x DJ Spen Extended Mix) 08:49 20
27 SuSu Bobien Help Is On The Way (DJ Spen x Earl Tutu x John Khan Inspiration Information Mix) 08:27 19
28 Barbara Tucker x DJ Spen Think (About It) (Spen x Thommys Summer Of Dub Mix) 07:27 17
29 Dawn Tallman Believe in Love (DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins Extended Mix) 09:39 22
30 Randy Roberts x Richard Burton x DJ Spen Stairway To Heaven (Remastered) (Spen x Thommys Extended 12 Inch Original Mix) 09:48 23
31 Doug Lazy Sky High (Jack Yo Body Dub) 06:44 16
32 Tracy Hamlin x DJ Spen MacArthur Park (Remastered) (Dj Spen x Thommy Davis New Disco Mix) 08:56 21
33 Tasha LaRae x DJ Spen Wish I Didnt Miss You (Main Vocal Mix) 08:25 19
34 Spencer Morales x Randy Roberts Without Your Love (DJ Spen x Thommy Davis Bootleg Dub) 06:37 15
35 S E L x DJ Spen You Gotta Be (DJ Spens Gotta Be Housed Mix) 07:36 18
36 Dave Anthony x Lisa Millett This Time Baby (Original Mix) 07:30 17
37 EmKayBe x Ann Nesby x DJ Spen Jam (Reelsoul x DJ Spen Up All Nite Mix) 05:06 12
38 Spencer Morales x Tasha LaRae I Need Your Lovin (John Morales M And M Vocal Mix) 08:28 20
39 DJ Beloved x Mcleod What You Wontt Do For Love (Jihad Muhammad Remix) 08:10 19
40 Ndinga Gaba x DJ Spen x Marc Evans Until You (Original Mix) 07:16 17

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             -=Quality over quantity every time!=-
ALBUM: 13 Years Of Quantize
BiTRATE: 320kbps
LABEL: Quantize Recordings
GENRE: House
SiZE: 738.69 megs
PLAYTiME: 5h 05min 12sec total
RiP DATE: 2025-03-12
STORE DATE: 2025-03-07
URL: https://www.traxsource.com/title/2471680/13-years-of-quantize

Track List:

01. Michele Chiavarini - Let Me See  8:16
    You (Clap Your Hands) (Terrence
    Parker Re-Edit)
02. Scoob x Freez - Jungle Deep (DJ  5:49
    Spen Pumped Up The Volume Edit)
03. Dana Weaver x DJ Spen -          7:38
    Heavenly (Karizma Remix)
04. DJ Spen presents Marc Evans - A  7:09
    Spiritual Dub
05. Ziggy Funk x Taliwa - What You   8:19
    Afraid Of (DJ Spen x Thommy
    Davis Disco Phobia Mix)
06. Jamie Lewis x Marc Evans -       7:16
    Without You (Jamie Lewis House
    Mix DJ Spen Edit)
07. Dave Anthony x Beverlei Brown -  8:34
    I Dont Know Why (Manoo Remix)
08. Michele Chiavarini - 1 World     8:45
    (Sean McCabe Remix)
09. Tracy Hamlin - Never Too Much    7:48
    (Spen x Thommy Club Anthem Mix)
10. Michele Chiavarini x The         7:07
    Jazzcodes - The Music Tells Me
    (Dj Spen x Thommy Davis ReMix)
11. Sheila Ford - The Best Of My     9:02
    Love (Original Vocal)
12. Michelle Weeks x Scott Diaz -    6:58
    Praise Him (Scott Diaz Main
13. Marc Evans - Supernatural        6:09
14. Tracy Hamlin - Home (Extended    6:18
    Album Mix)
15. Melissa B - Be Free (DJ Spen x   7:32
    Gary Hudgins Flying Colors Mix)
16. RiskSoundSystem x Marc Evans -   8:00
    Closer (DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins
17. Tony Tatum - Could It Be Im      7:42
    Falling In Love (Spen x Thommy
    New Club Anthem)
18. DJ Spen x The MuthaFunkaz x      8:19
    Sheila Ford - Always (Danny
    Krivit Re Edit)
19. Spencer Morales x Hanlei - Are   6:55
    You A Winner (DJ Spen Original
    Vocal Mix)
20. Reggie Steele - Surrender        6:21
    (Original Mix)
21. Diephuis x Eastar x Jocelyn      6:21
    Brown - Dont Quit (Be A
    Believer) (SoulphoniX Vocal
22. Alicia Myers x DJ Spen - Right   5:24
    Here Right Now (Mark Francis Re
    Edit Of DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins
    x Thomy Davis Remix)
23. Sharon Brown Adams - We Got The  9:09
    Funk (Thommy x Spen Remix)
24. Sheila Ford - La Costa           7:13
    (Reelsoul x DJ Spen x Gary
    Hudgins Original Mix)
25. Aaron K Gray x Mark Francis -    8:17
    Resting Place
26. Marco Valery x Sharlene Hector   8:48
    - Free Love (Michele Chiavarini
    x DJ Spen Extended Mix)
27. SuSu Bobien - Help Is On The     8:26
    Way (DJ Spen x Earl Tutu x John
    Khan Inspiration Information
28. Barbara Tucker x DJ Spen -       7:27
    Think (About It) (Spen x
    Thommys Summer Of Dub Mix)
29. Dawn Tallman - Believe in Love   9:39
    (DJ Spen x Gary Hudgins
    Extended Mix)
30. Randy Roberts x Richard Burton   9:47
    x DJ Spen - Stairway To Heaven
    (Remastered) (Spen x Thommys
    Extended 12 Inch Original Mix)
31. Doug Lazy - Sky High (Jack Yo    6:44
    Body Dub)
32. Tracy Hamlin x DJ Spen -         8:56
    MacArthur Park (Remastered) (Dj
    Spen x Thommy Davis New Disco
33. Tasha LaRae x DJ Spen - Wish I   8:25
    Didnt Miss You (Main Vocal Mix)
34. Spencer Morales x Randy Roberts  6:36
    - Without Your Love (DJ Spen x
    Thommy Davis Bootleg Dub)
35. S E L x DJ Spen - You Gotta Be   7:36
    (DJ Spens Gotta Be Housed Mix)
36. Dave Anthony x Lisa Millett -    7:29
    This Time Baby (Original Mix)
37. EmKayBe x Ann Nesby x DJ Spen -  5:05
    Jam (Reelsoul x DJ Spen Up All
    Nite Mix)
38. Spencer Morales x Tasha LaRae -  8:28
    I Need Your Lovin (John Morales
    M And M Vocal Mix)
39. DJ Beloved x Mcleod - What You   8:09
    Wontt Do For Love (Jihad
    Muhammad Remix)
40. Ndinga Gaba x DJ Spen x Marc     7:16
    Evans - Until You (Original
VA-13_Years_Of_Quantize-(QTZCOMP057)-WEB-2025-BB // filesize: 730805457 // files:


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