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VA – 20 Years Of So Sound Recordings / SSRCD2022 / So Sound Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 To-ka Project Session One 06:50 16
2 Jazzy Eyewear Found The Way 07:16 17
3 Inland Knights Hot Soup 06:38 15
4 Mood Rotation Getting Started (The Rurals Remix) 07:41 18
5 To-ka Project Revolution 06:47 16
6 Jazzy Eyewear Milk & Donuts 06:26 15
7 Jazzy Eyewear Cruise Control (Inland Knights Remix) 06:16 15
8 Ricardo Rae Lead The Way 07:06 16
9 Jay West White Glass 06:28 15
10 Tovar Definition Off (Jay West Remix) 06:49 16
11 Inland Knights Like This 06:14 15
12 Tovar Got To Let You 06:00 14
13 Tovar Say Something 06:45 16
14 Christian Malloni Las Palmas (Radio Edit) 05:48 14
15 Christian Malloni Agua Ardiente 07:05 16
16 Funkyloco Slow & Sexy (Jazzy Eyewear Remix) 06:35 15
17 Christian Malloni Just Jack 05:53 14
18 Lurob Buena Mirada 06:32 15
19 Mr. Morning Fire 06:39 15
20 Toomy Disco 1976 07:17 17
21 Toomy Disco Age of The Jaguar 06:45 16
22 Toomy Disco Since I Fell For You (Michael Woodruff Remix) 05:54 14
23 Freaky Behaviour The Swimming Moonlight 06:50 16
24 Kid Enigma Fall In Love 06:30 15
25 Kid Enigma Head Bang 04:46 11
26 DJ Ra Soul Let's Work 07:51 18
27 Funkyloco So Sweet Baby (DJ Ra Soul Remix) 06:52 16
28 Funkyloco Wonderful Place 06:44 16
29 Green Thumb & JV Grand Theft Vinyl (Spettro Remix) 06:29 15
30 Funk Mediterraneo In Silence 06:06 14
31 Catnapp Stop (Elephant Pixel Remix) 05:34 13
32 Jazzy Eyewear Fantasy Island (Michael Woodruff Remix) 04:23 10
33 Jazzy Eyewear This Time 07:56 18
34 Bear Overdose (UNOMAS Remix) 05:06 12
35 Funkyloco & Lisa Shaw Stand Up (Animist Remix) 07:23 17
36 Cacharrito Amename 04:57 12
37 Jazzy Eyewear Take Me There 03:05 7
38 Tovar Disco Night (Jazzy Eyewear Edit) 03:49 9
39 Tovar Everybody (Soul of Hex' Tijuana Technojazz Remix) 05:43 13
40 Funkyloco Pedrito's Jam 06:51 16
41 Jazzy Eyewear All My Heroes 07:39 18
42 DAN.K Nobody 06:43 16
43 Toomy Disco We 02:28 6
44 Jazzy Eyewear The Renaissance 05:50 14
45 Jazzy Eyewear Away (Da Sunlounge Remix) 06:21 15
46 Chanson E Your Eyes 06:45 16
47 Toomy Disco The Wait 03:45 9
48 Jazzy Eyewear Take Me There (Bonus Points Remix) 03:01 7
49 Jazzy Eyewear King Of The World 03:33 8
50 Funkyloco Laidback 06:43 16
51 DISTRKT To Know You All 06:25 15
52 Candy Dealers Foolin' Anyone 07:14 17
53 Martin Venetjoki Samba Rock 06:43 16
54 To-ka Project What I know 07:15 17
55 Chanson E Chicago Kiss 06:00 14
56 To-ka Project Mello Daze 05:04 12
57 Vegas & Fabian My Groovy Love 03:41 9
58 Jazzy Eyewear Gotta Be Real (Da Sunlounge Remix) 06:28 15
59 To-ka Project Pushed 06:29 15
60 C L E M E N T ! N O Everything 02:00 5

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                       < episode#51572 | dapper chaser >                       


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Various Artists
          title > 20 Years Of So Sound Recordings
           year > 2022
          genre > House  
           mood > House           

          label > So Sound Recordings
          catno > SSRCD2022

        predate > 2022-12-11
         tracks > 60           
           size > 844.63 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/354548997
            buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3863392

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          codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. To-ka Project - Session One                                     6:50
  02. Jazzy Eyewear - Found The Way                                   7:16
  03. Inland Knights - Hot Soup                                       6:38
  04. Mood Rotation - Getting Started (The Rurals Remix)              7:40
  05. To-ka Project - Revolution                                      6:47
  06. Jazzy Eyewear - Milk & Donuts                                   6:26
  07. Jazzy Eyewear - Cruise Control (Inland Knights Remix)           6:16
  08. Ricardo Rae - Lead The Way                                      7:06
  09. Jay West - White Glass                                          6:27
  10. Tovar - Definition Off (Jay West Remix)                         6:49
  11. Inland Knights - Like This                                      6:14
  12. Tovar - Got To Let You                                          6:00
  13. Tovar - Say Something                                           6:45
  14. Christian Malloni - Las Palmas (Radio Edit)                     5:48
  15. Christian Malloni - Agua Ardiente                               7:05
  16. Funkyloco - Slow & Sexy (Jazzy Eyewear Remix)                   6:35
  17. Christian Malloni - Just Jack                                   5:53
  18. Lurob - Buena Mirada                                            6:32
  19. Mr. Morning - Fire                                              6:39
  20. Toomy Disco - 1976                                              7:17
  21. Toomy Disco - Age of The Jaguar                                 6:44
  22. Toomy Disco - Since I Fell For You (Michael Woodruff Remix)     5:54
  23. Freaky Behaviour - The Swimming Moonlight                       6:49
  24. Kid Enigma - Fall In Love                                       6:30
  25. Kid Enigma - Head Bang                                          4:46
  26. DJ Ra Soul - Let's Work                                         7:51
  27. Funkyloco - So Sweet Baby (DJ Ra Soul Remix)                    6:52
  28. Funkyloco - Wonderful Place                                     6:43
  29. Green Thumb & JV - Grand Theft Vinyl (Spettro Remix)            6:29
  30. Funk Mediterraneo - In Silence                                  6:06
  31. Catnapp - Stop (Elephant Pixel Remix)                           5:34
  32. Jazzy Eyewear - Fantasy Island (Michael Woodruff Remix)         4:22
  33. Jazzy Eyewear - This Time                                       7:56
  34. Bear - Overdose (UNOMAS Remix)                                  5:06
  35. Funkyloco & Lisa Shaw - Stand Up (Animist Remix)                7:23
  36. Cacharrito - Amename                                            4:56
  37. Jazzy Eyewear - Take Me There                                   3:05
  38. Tovar - Disco Night (Jazzy Eyewear Edit)                        3:49
  39. Tovar - Everybody (Soul of Hex' Tijuana Technojazz Remix)       5:42
  40. Funkyloco - Pedrito's Jam                                       6:51
  41. Jazzy Eyewear - All My Heroes                                   7:39
  42. DAN.K - Nobody                                                  6:42
  43. Toomy Disco - We                                                2:28
  44. Jazzy Eyewear - The Renaissance                                 5:49
  45. Jazzy Eyewear - Away (Da Sunlounge Remix)                       6:21
  46. Chanson E - Your Eyes                                           6:45
  47. Toomy Disco - The Wait                                          3:45
  48. Jazzy Eyewear - Take Me There (Bonus Points Remix)              3:01
  49. Jazzy Eyewear - King Of The World                               3:33
  50. Funkyloco - Laidback                                            6:43
  51. DISTRKT - To Know You All                                       6:25
  52. Candy Dealers - Foolin' Anyone                                  7:14
  53. Martin Venetjoki - Samba Rock                                   6:42
  54. To-ka Project - What I know                                     7:14
  55. Chanson E - Chicago Kiss                                        6:00
  56. To-ka Project - Mello Daze                                      5:04
  57. Vegas & Fabian - My Groovy Love                                 3:40
  58. Jazzy Eyewear - Gotta Be Real (Da Sunlounge Remix)              6:28
  59. To-ka Project - Pushed                                          6:29
  60. C L E M E N T ! N O - Everything                                2:00

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       So Sound Recording started with a simple concept: create a record       
        label that only released the highest caliber house music and the       
      world's best production values. It has now been over 20 years since      
        that idea was born, with many top notch releases under our belt.       
     Featured here is a cross-section sampling of some of those releases in    
       all of their full length, unmixed glory, with many great releases       
         still to come. This collection is just an overview of what was        
       possible, and what we have achieved thus far. Thank you to all who      
      have helped, advised, purchased and supported our music. You are So      

      Special thanks to all of the artists who shared their talent with So     
              Sound, for their brilliant minds and creative souls.             

                          - Fabian Giannattasio, 2022                          

                   COPYRIGHT 2002-2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.                   

                                 MADE IN U.S.A.                                


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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-20_Years_Of_So_Sound_Recordings-(SSRCD2022)-WEB-2022-BABAS // filesize: 27441602 // files: 63


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