part of the remix.network

VA – 5 Years, Vol. 1 / TMC009 / Timeless Moment

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Morttagua, Gaby Endo Urania 07:12 17
2 Klunsh 239 06:58 16
3 Morttagua Fragarach 07:51 18
4 Rauschhaus Magnolia 08:35 20
5 NekliFF Moonlight 05:56 14
6 Uncloak Terrafirme 07:48 18
7 Space Motion, Siguiente Tecnologia Get on the Bus 08:34 20
8 D.E.C.A.D.A. Enigmate 07:18 17
9 THe WHite SHadow (FR) Back in the Jungle 05:50 13
10 Melody Stranger Signs 07:36 17
11 Ubbah, Paradoks Odyssey 06:31 15
12 Morttagua, Gaby Endo Urania (Gai Barone Remix) 08:28 19
13 Marst Amor (TouchTalk Remix) 07:21 17
14 Paradoks Eternal 07:25 17
15 Morttagua Osiris 09:38 22
16 Morttagua, Ghost Wars Hourglass (Khainz Remix) 07:48 18
17 Valer den Bit Nekto (Anturage Remix) 06:57 16
18 Uncloak Gayatheia 07:48 18
19 Morttagua Clockwork Angels 08:00 18
20 Sonic Future Sinuoso 07:44 18
21 Morttagua The Torch 08:21 19
22 Dave Ohms Ellusions (Glenn Morrison Remix) 06:24 15
23 Strinner Sol 07:33 17
24 Vini Pistori Contato (Marcus Sur Remix) 07:32 17
25 Melody Stranger Dark Sun 06:10 14
26 Oovation, Etyen The End (Flow & Zeo Remix) 07:31 17
27 Danny Oliveira, DNYO Cypher 07:58 18
28 Melody Stranger Apathy (Morttagua Remix) 08:51 20
29 Morttagua, D.E.C.A.D.A. Noctua Albus 07:48 18
30 Marst AF456 09:15 21
31 Blancah Apneia (D-Formation Remix) 07:10 16
32 Melody Stranger, Lunar Plane, Paradoks Storm 06:51 16
33 Morttagua The 8th Sense (Robert Babicz Remix) 09:17 21
34 Space Motion Muse 06:57 16
35 Be Morais Unavoidable Void 07:58 18
36 Nolah Ansuz 07:25 17
37 Uncloak Hollow 07:50 18
38 Morttagua, Ghost Wars Hourglass (Supacooks Remix) 06:34 15
39 THe WHite SHadow (FR), ARN'O Return (Morttagua Remix) 08:06 19
40 Morttagua Imentet (Kamilo Sanclemente & Dabeat Remix) 07:56 18
41 Morttagua Valhalla 08:44 20
42 Luigi Gori, Frankye Lova Relief 07:29 17
43 Glenn Morrison, Dave Ohms Outer Limits (Kastis Torrau Remix) 08:07 19
44 Rauschhaus Stratos 07:32 17
45 Valer den Bit Viento (Morttagua Remix) 08:16 19
46 Morttagua Erebus 07:41 18
47 Eric Rose Coda 07:48 18
48 Morttagua Humanoids 08:17 19
49 Morttagua The 8th Sense 08:15 19
50 Morttagua Amunet 10:18 24

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Various Artists
title > 5 Years, Vol. 1
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Melodic/Progressive House x Techno 

label > Timeless Moment
catno > TMC009

predate > 2021-11-05
tracks > 50 
size > 887.59 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/268351102
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3555751

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > Lame
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
source > WEB

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01. Morttagua, Gaby Endo - Urania 7:12
02. Klunsh - 239 6:58
03. Morttagua - Fragarach 7:51
04. Rauschhaus - Magnolia 8:34
05. NekliFF - Moonlight 5:56
06. Uncloak - Terrafirme 7:48
07. Space Motion, Siguiente Tecnologia - Get on the Bus 8:34
08. D.E.C.A.D.A. - Enigmate 7:17
09. THe WHite SHadow (FR) - Back in the Jungle 5:49
10. Melody Stranger - Signs 7:36
11. Ubbah, Paradoks - Odyssey 6:31
12. Morttagua, Gaby Endo - Urania (Gai Barone Remix) 8:27
13. Marst - Amor (TouchTalk Remix) 7:21
14. Paradoks - Eternal 7:24
15. Morttagua - Osiris 9:37
16. Morttagua, Ghost Wars - Hourglass (Khainz Remix) 7:48
17. Valer den Bit - Nekto (Anturage Remix) 6:57
18. Uncloak - Gayatheia 7:48
19. Morttagua - Clockwork Angels 8:00
20. Sonic Future - Sinuoso 7:44
21. Morttagua - The Torch 8:21
22. Dave Ohms - Ellusions (Glenn Morrison Remix) 6:24
23. Strinner - Sol 7:32
24. Vini Pistori - Contato (Marcus Sur Remix) 7:31
25. Melody Stranger - Dark Sun 6:09
26. Oovation, Etyen - The End (Flow & Zeo Remix) 7:30
27. Danny Oliveira, DNYO - Cypher 7:58
28. Melody Stranger - Apathy (Morttagua Remix) 8:50
29. Morttagua, D.E.C.A.D.A. - Noctua Albus 7:48
30. Marst - AF456 9:15
31. Blancah - Apneia (D-Formation Remix) 7:09
32. Melody Stranger, Lunar Plane, Paradoks - Storm 6:51
33. Morttagua - The 8th Sense (Robert Babicz Remix) 9:16
34. Space Motion - Muse 6:57
35. Be Morais - Unavoidable Void 7:58
36. Nolah - Ansuz 7:24
37. Uncloak - Hollow 7:50
38. Morttagua, Ghost Wars - Hourglass (Supacooks Remix) 6:34
39. THe WHite SHadow (FR), ARN'O - Return (Morttagua Remix) 8:05
40. Morttagua - Imentet (Kamilo Sanclemente & Dabeat Remix) 7:56
41. Morttagua - Valhalla 8:44
42. Luigi Gori, Frankye Lova - Relief 7:28
43. Glenn Morrison, Dave Ohms - Outer Limits (Kastis Torrau Remix) 8:07
44. Rauschhaus - Stratos 7:32
45. Valer den Bit - Viento (Morttagua Remix) 8:15
46. Morttagua - Erebus 7:40
47. Eric Rose - Coda 7:48
48. Morttagua - Humanoids 8:17
49. Morttagua - The 8th Sense 8:15
50. Morttagua - Amunet 10:17


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Timeless Moment is proud to celebrate its five years anniversary with 
a special two volume compilation containing some of our best ever 
released tracks carefully curated by the label founder and mastermind 

In this past 5 years Timeless Moment has become the number one melodic 
underground label from Brazil, and one of the most respected labels in 
the world in regards of the genres Melodic House and Techno and 
Progressive House. Timeless Moment releases have stormed the Beatport 
single charts while gaining worldwide support from industry legends 
such as Solomun, Tale of Us, Black Coffee, Pete Tong, Hernan Cattaneo, 
Nick Warren and many other greats. 

In this volume 1 of our 5 year celebration you will be able to find 
tracks from the likes of Morttagua, Space Motion, Klunsh, Rauschhaus, 
Robert Babicz, NekliFF, Glenn Morrison, Uncloak, Paradoks, Ubbah, 
Melody Stranger, Marst, Khainz, Sonic Future, Lunar Plane, Flow and 
Zeo, D-Formation, Nolah, The White Shadow, Kamilo Sanclem ... visit 
URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211027
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