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VA – Bass Mood Vol 2 / WMB142 / WMB

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Sam Collins Feat. Lene Angelica Poker 02:36 6
2 Goblin Hulms They Don't Like Me 05:36 13
3 Even Seven Boosty Bass 04:09 10
4 Seumas Norv Get's So Fun (Extended Mix) 05:09 12
5 Jaques Le Noir Kendo (Extended Mix) 05:22 12
6 Sak Chaime Short Whistle 04:25 10
7 Vitamin Alpha Panic Room 04:07 9
8 Stretch Silvester Deep Deep Down (Martin H & Andy Weid Remix) 07:05 16
9 Gorillag Necrophagy 03:39 8
10 Larry Scottish Like I Love You 05:22 12
11 Deepberry Fresh Prince 04:25 10
12 Was Troy Eighties (Ingemann Remix) 08:07 19
13 Talal Sam Make It Real (Kimball Collins & Rudiment M32 Remix) 07:08 16
14 Gaty Lopez Gold Love (Dave Alyan Remix) 07:08 16
15 Joka Chups Shout Out Loud (Extended Mix) 05:10 12
16 Kayligs Courchevel 06:47 16
17 Josh Love Blush 08:42 20
18 Serge Grey Test 07:54 18
19 Procell Millionen 02:09 5
20 Filor Prisoner 03:30 8
21 Brandon Tallent Eons From Now 06:39 15
22 Iag & Omoc You Say (Extended Mix) 06:27 15
23 Kobes Aknow 08:00 18
24 Steve Linney Elysium 06:23 15
25 Da Lo Talking 'bout 05:30 13
26 Diezel Get Right 06:13 14
27 Armystrial Shore 06:24 15
28 Brych Wet Wet Wet 02:01 5
29 Ezechiel Kiss Kiss 06:00 14
30 Masterside Johnson 02:34 6

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   .MUSiCiSLiFE!!!             .
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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

                        VA - Bass Mood Vol 2                       

     ARTiST..[ Various Artists                                       
     TiTLE...[ Bass Mood Vol 2                                       
      GENRE...[ House                   CAT-NR..[ WMB142               
      LABEL...[ WMB                     ENCODER.[ Lame                 
      YEAR....[ 2023                    QUALiTY.[ MP3 320kbps/44,1hz   
      SOURCE..[ Web                     MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 164:39                  RiP.DATE[ 06.09.2023           
      TRACKS..[ 30                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 377,42 MB               SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Sam Collins Feat. Lene Angelica - Poker           02:36      
      02  Goblin Hulms - They Don't Like Me                 05:36      
      03  Even Seven - Boosty Bass                          04:09      
      04  Seumas Norv - Get's So Fun (Extended Mix)         05:09      
      05  Jaques Le Noir - Kendo (Extended Mix)             05:22      
      06  Sak Chaime - Short Whistle                        04:25      
      07  Vitamin Alpha - Panic Room                        04:07      
      08  Stretch Silvester - Deep Deep Down                07:05      
          (Martin H & Andy Weid Remix)                                 
      09  Gorillag - Necrophagy                             03:39      
      10  Larry Scottish - Like I Love You                  05:22      
      11  Deepberry - Fresh Prince                          04:25      
      12  Was Troy - Eighties (Ingemann Remix)              08:06      
      13  Talal Sam - Make It Real                          07:08      
          (Kimball Collins & Rudiment M32 Remix)                       
      14  Gaty Lopez - Gold Love (Dave Alyan Remix)         07:08      
      15  Joka Chups - Shout Out Loud (Extended Mix)        05:10      
      16  Kayligs - Courchevel                              06:47      
      17  Josh Love - Blush                                 08:42      
      18  Serge Grey - Test                                 07:54      
      19  Procell - Millionen                               02:09      
      20  Filor - Prisoner                                  03:30      
      21  Brandon Tallent - Eons From Now                   06:39      
      22  Iag & Omoc - You Say (Extended Mix)               06:27      
      23  Koebes - Aknow                                    08:00      
      24  Steve Linney - Elysium                            06:22      
      25  Da Lo - Talking 'bout                             05:30      
      26  Diezel - Get Right                                06:13      
      27  Armystrial - Shore                                06:24      
      28  Brych - Wet Wet Wet                               02:01      
      29  Ezechiel - Kiss Kiss                              06:00      
      30  Masterside - Johnson                              02:34      

                                                    TOTAL: 164:39      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
 .                                                      .
                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
VA-Bass_Mood_Vol_2-(WMB142)-WEB-2023-OMA // filesize: 393657724 // files:


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