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VA – Best Of Ole Records 5 Years Ole White Edition / OLEW109 / Ole White

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Cesar Mantilla Layover (Extended Mix) 06:52 16
2 Quelupa Lisboa (Extended Mix) 06:02 14
3 Kuzey Face To Face (Extended Mix) 05:56 14
4 Davide Rossi Out Loud (Extended Mix) 05:48 13
5 Amal Nemer & Moreno & Prieto Let You (Extended Mix) 06:48 16
6 Draganeskool Like A Box (Extended Mix) 06:36 15
7 Dirrtydishes Sundays (Extended Mix) 07:04 16
8 Dew (Fr) Your Time (Extended Mix) 06:44 15
9 Delux Twins Tus Labios (Extended Mix) 06:02 14
10 Luka Kuhnow & Nico Ruminot Cinderella (Extended Mix) 06:38 15
11 Marc Twelker Bring (Extended Mix) 06:24 15
12 Mkey (Uk) Invisible Recognition (Extended Mix) 06:36 15
13 Sascha Sonido Fairy Tale (Extended Mix) 06:24 15
14 Samsilva, Nick Bennett & Wilhvlm Camembert (Extended Mix) 06:38 15
15 Veselinpetroff My Needs (Extended Mix) 06:14 14
16 Cris Ocana Play With Me (Leo Rios Extended Remix) 06:36 15
17 Brown Vox Sax Appeal (Extended Mix) 06:40 15
18 Martinoresi Get Drunk (Extended Mix) 06:20 15
19 Marcos R & Malocello Taking You High (Extended Mix) 07:20 17
20 Le Brion Amata (Extended Mix) 05:28 13
21 Tate Flowers Amnesia (Extended Mix) 06:16 14
22 V.I.O Tranced (High Soundsystem Extended Remix) 06:12 14
23 Toucanplay & Touanda Body Talk (Extended Mix) 07:57 18
24 Andrey Djackonda & Minube Cafe Terrace (Extended Mix) 08:16 19
25 Keenan Bittner Walk The Walk (Extended Mix) 06:46 15
26 Dirt Fun Ballad Of Another Summer (Extended Mix) 07:36 17
27 Kofla Una Poesia (Extended Mix) 06:32 15
28 Markyno The Russian Underground (Alessandro Angileri Extended Remix) 06:50 16
29 Rando Solar (Extended Mix) 07:42 18
30 D'gian Late Summer (Extended Mix) 06:40 15
31 Cris Bueno & Alexx L Weve Me (Extended Mix) 05:32 13
32 Alex Lago & Maty Badini Summon The Beautiful (Extended Mix) 06:36 15
33 Guided By Noises Mars (Extended Mix) 07:34 17
34 Oliver (Uk) Guestlist Girls (Extended Mix) 08:30 19
35 Mirko (It) Don't Go (Klaus Keller Extended Remix) 04:47 11
36 Mario Fitoria Respect (Extended Mix) 05:44 13
37 John Deluxe You Can Do It (Extended Mix) 08:18 19
38 Francisco Ruiz-Tagle & Fredo Guerre Morning Glory (Extended Mix) 06:54 16
39 Sheepie Majahua (Extended Mix) 05:34 13
40 Vito Beto & Chaguas Round And Skinny (Extended Mix) 05:38 13
41 Gonzalo Risso & Nacho Riveros Bora Bora (Extended Mix) 06:51 16
42 Dmile & Lorenzo Dotti Jack (Extended Mix) 06:18 14
43 Daniel De Roma Caramel Thang (Extended Mix) 07:00 16
44 Allex Piano Grande (Extended Mix) 06:54 16
45 Flashhood Dish You (Extended Mix) 06:10 14
46 Jaime Narvaez You Got The Music (Rico Martinez Extended Remix) 06:10 14
47 Omaroff Talk To Me (Extended Mix) 06:48 16
48 Richie Markz Lassa (Extended Mix) 07:18 17
49 T-Zhuk Runway (Extended Mix) 05:00 11
50 Eze Drill Don't Call Me Baby (Extended Mix) 06:36 15
51 Domo Submission (Extended Mix) 06:20 15
52 Brian Don Imhotep (Extended Mix) 06:58 16
53 Marcos Bencid To The World (Extended Mix) 05:58 14
54 Rori The Bullshit (Extended Mix) 06:12 14
55 Survival Mode 2morrow (Extended Mix) 05:56 14
56 John Dude & Cristian Vanni The Underground (Extended Mix) 05:56 14
57 Anatta I Present You (Extended Mix) 06:48 16
58 Dipech Freak You (Extended Mix) 06:58 16
59 Facunh & Pedro Campodonico Latin (Extended Mix) 06:34 15
60 Pedro Virguez Que Viva La Musica (Extended Mix) 06:16 14
61 David Devilla Nudels Fly (Extended Mix) 06:34 15
62 Jack Lee Cooper Missing You (Extended Mix) 05:02 12
63 Lukas Schaun Urban Jungle (Extended Mix) 05:34 13
64 Wohj (Br) Discovery (Extended Mix) 06:04 14
65 Ivs Mountains (Extended Mix) 06:04 14
66 Spitak Have You Heard (Extended Mix) 05:56 14

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   .MUSiCiSLiFE!!!             .
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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

         VA - Best Of Ole Records 5 Years Ole White Edition        

     ARTiST..[ Various Artists                                       
     TiTLE...[ Best Of Ole Records 5 Years Ole White Edition         
      GENRE...[ House                   CAT-NR..[ OLEW109              
      LABEL...[ Ole White               ENCODER.[ Lame                 
      YEAR....[ 2023                    QUALiTY.[ MP3 320kbps/44,1hz   
      SOURCE..[ Web                     MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 429:16                  RiP.DATE[ 07.07.2023           
      TRACKS..[ 66                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 983,09 MB               SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Cesar Mantilla - Layover (Extended Mix)           06:51      
      02  Quelupa - Lisboa (Extended Mix)                   06:02      
      03  Kuzey - Face To Face (Extended Mix)               05:56      
      04  Davide Rossi - Out Loud (Extended Mix)            05:48      
      05  Amal Nemer & Moreno & Prieto - Let You            06:48      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      06  Draganeskool - Like A Box (Extended Mix)          06:36      
      07  Dirrtydishes - Sundays (Extended Mix)             07:03      
      08  Dew (Fr) - Your Time (Extended Mix)               06:44      
      09  Delux Twins - Tus Labios (Extended Mix)           06:02      
      10  Luka Kuhnow & Nico Ruminot - Cinderella           06:38      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      11  Marc Twelker - Bring (Extended Mix)               06:24      
      12  Mkey (Uk) - Invisible Recognition (Extended Mix)  06:36      
      13  Sascha Sonido - Fairy Tale (Extended Mix)         06:24      
      14  Samsilva, Nick Bennett & Wilhvlm - Camembert      06:38      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      15  Veselinpetroff - My Needs (Extended Mix)          06:14      
      16  Cris Ocana - Play With Me                         06:36      
          (Leo Rios Extended Remix)                                    
      17  Brown Vox - Sax Appeal (Extended Mix)             06:40      
      18  Martinoresi - Get Drunk (Extended Mix)            06:20      
      19  Marcos R & Malocello - Taking You High            07:20      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      20  Le Brion - Amata (Extended Mix)                   05:28      
      21  Tate Flowers - Amnesia (Extended Mix)             06:16      
      22  V.I.O - Tranced (High Soundsystem Extended Remix) 06:12      
      23  Toucanplay & Touanda - Body Talk (Extended Mix)   07:57      
      24  Andrey Djackonda & Minube - Cafe Terrace          08:16      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      25  Keenan Bittner - Walk The Walk (Extended Mix)     06:46      
      26  Dirt Fun - Ballad Of Another Summer (Extended Mix)07:36      
      27  Kofla - Una Poesia (Extended Mix)                 06:32      
      28  Markyno - The Russian Underground                 06:50      
          (Alessandro Angileri Extended Remix)                         
      29  Rando - Solar (Extended Mix)                      07:42      
      30  D'gian - Late Summer (Extended Mix)               06:40      
      31  Cris Bueno & Alexx L - Weve Me (Extended Mix)     05:32      
      32  Alex Lago & Maty Badini - Summon The Beautiful    06:36      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      33  Guided By Noises - Mars (Extended Mix)            07:34      
      34  Oliver (Uk) - Guestlist Girls (Extended Mix)      08:30      
      35  Mirko (It) - Don't Go                             04:47      
          (Klaus Keller Extended Remix)                                
      36  Mario Fitoria - Respect (Extended Mix)            05:44      
      37  John Deluxe - You Can Do It (Extended Mix)        08:18      
      38  Francisco Ruiz-Tagle & Fredo Guerre - Morning     06:54      
          Glory (Extended Mix)                                         
      39  Sheepie - Majahua (Extended Mix)                  05:34      
      40  Vito Beto & Chaguas - Round And Skinny            05:38      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      41  Gonzalo Risso & Nacho Riveros - Bora Bora         06:51      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      42  Dmile & Lorenzo Dotti - Jack (Extended Mix)       06:18      
      43  Daniel De Roma - Caramel Thang (Extended Mix)     07:00      
      44  Allex - Piano Grande (Extended Mix)               06:53      
      45  Flashhood - Dish You (Extended Mix)               06:10      
      46  Jaime Narvaez - You Got The Music                 06:10      
          (Rico Martinez Extended Remix)                               
      47  Omaroff - Talk To Me (Extended Mix)               06:48      
      48  Richie Markz - Lassa (Extended Mix)               07:18      
      49  T-Zhuk - Runway (Extended Mix)                    05:00      
      50  Eze Drill - Don't Call Me Baby (Extended Mix)     06:36      
      51  Domo - Submission (Extended Mix)                  06:20      
      52  Brian Don - Imhotep (Extended Mix)                06:58      
      53  Marcos Bencid - To The World (Extended Mix)       05:58      
      54  Rori - The Bullshit (Extended Mix)                06:12      
      55  Survival Mode - 2morrow (Extended Mix)            05:56      
      56  John Dude & Cristian Vanni - The Underground      05:56      
          (Extended Mix)                                               
      57  Anatta - I Present You (Extended Mix)             06:48      
      58  Dipech - Freak You (Extended Mix)                 06:58      
      59  Facunh & Pedro Campodonico - Latin (Extended Mix) 06:34      
      60  Pedro Virguez - Que Viva La Musica (Extended Mix) 06:16      
      61  David Devilla - Nudels Fly (Extended Mix)         06:34      
      62  Jack Lee Cooper - Missing You (Extended Mix)      05:02      
      63  Lukas Schaun - Urban Jungle (Extended Mix)        05:34      
      64  Wohj (Br) - Discovery (Extended Mix)              06:04      
      65  Ivs - Mountains (Extended Mix)                    06:04      
      66  Spitak - Have You Heard (Extended Mix)            05:56      

                                                    TOTAL: 429:16      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
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                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
VA-Best_Of_Ole_Records_5_Years_Ole_White_Edition-(OLEW109)-WEB-2023-OMA // filesize: 1016692835 // files:


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