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VA – DanceClub DeLuxe Compilation / DCC081 / DanceClub Records

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez feat Pkdo Breathe (Esteban Lopez & Javier Solana Remix) 06:07 14
2 Hugo Sanchez & Daniel Karman Oye Mami! (Rafha Madrid Remix) 06:30 15
3 J.Velarde, Luque & Vitti feat Giovanna Sundays At Heaven (Black Flamingo Remix) 05:39 13
4 Ivan Gomez You Drive Me Crazy (Mauro Mozart Remix) 07:15 17
5 Pedro Pons This Is The Future 06:07 14
6 Nacho Chapado & Patricia Leidig Time Is All You Need (Jean Philips Remix) 08:17 19
7 Tommy Love feat Twiggy Vilela Into The Vibe (Tommy's Anthem Mix) 08:08 19
8 Ivan Gomez & Micky Friedmann Never Let The Party Stop (Tannuri Remix) 06:17 14
9 Nacho Chapado & Smaz feat Patricia Leidig Trust In The Universe (Hysteria! Extended Remix) 05:47 13
10 DJ Suri & Juseph Leon feat Patrizze Sound Of My Voice (Chris Daniel Remix) 05:28 13
11 Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez Fiesta Loca (Mainstage Tribal Mix) 05:30 13
12 Breno Barreto feat Lorena Simpson Hey Hey (Rob Phillips Shake It Mix) 06:52 16

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R E L E A S E            
                       I N F O

                Artist: VA
              Title: DanceClub DeLuxe Compilation
              Label: DanceClub Records
              Catnr: DCC081
             Genre: House
            Str.date: 17-02-2023
              Rip.date: 18-02-2023
             Source: WEB Store
             Encoder: LAME 3.99.5
              Quality: 320kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo
               Tracks: 12
             Size: 188.02MB
         Url: https://www.deezer.com/de/album/398035347

        T R A C K                          

        L I S T I N G                                           

    Track  Title                                              Time

    01.    Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez feat Pkdo - Breathe      6:07
           (Esteban Lopez & Javier Solana Remix)
    02.    Hugo Sanchez & Daniel Karman - Oye Mami! (Rafha     6:30
           Madrid Remix)
    03.    J.Velarde, Luque & Vitti feat Giovanna - Sundays    5:39
           At Heaven (Black Flamingo Remix)
    04.    Ivan Gomez - You Drive Me Crazy (Mauro Mozart       7:15
    05.    Pedro Pons - This Is The Future                     6:07
    06.    Nacho Chapado & Patricia Leidig - Time Is All You   8:16
           Need (Jean Philips Remix)
    07.    Tommy Love feat Twiggy Vilela - Into The Vibe       8:08
           (Tommy's Anthem Mix)
    08.    Ivan Gomez & Micky Friedmann - Never Let The Party  6:17
           Stop (Tannuri Remix)
    09.    Nacho Chapado & Smaz feat Patricia Leidig - Trust   5:46
           In The Universe (Hysteria! Extended Remix)
    10.    DJ Suri & Juseph Leon feat Patrizze - Sound Of My   5:27
           Voice (Chris Daniel Remix)
    11.    Nacho Chapado & Ivan Gomez - Fiesta Loca            5:30
           (Mainstage Tribal Mix)
    12.    Breno Barreto feat Lorena Simpson - Hey Hey (Rob    6:52
           Phillips Shake It Mix)

        ASCii by                               

                  .R I P P E R S.   

                .C O M M E N T.        

          TEAM ZzZz                     
         salutes all partners     
        in this educational crime!                       
       we thank all the fans, we will
          keep rocking...

                     Greetingz Team ZzZz
VA_-_DanceClub_DeLuxe_Compilation-(DCC081)-WEB-2023-ZzZz // filesize: 186975691 // files:


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