part of the remix.network

VA – Dream Into 2022 / ONIR2022 / Oniryzm

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Fiorella (fr) Sanctuary 06:20 15
2 Blanka Barbara Poem for Osiris 05:43 13
3 Kiantek Kepler (Ben Eidani Remix) 06:16 14
4 Alnath Expecto 05:25 12
5 Moril Aphra 05:15 12
6 Blanka Barbara Poem for Osiris (Julien Vertigo Remix) 07:43 18
7 Kayza & Samar Going Insane 07:36 17
8 Leville Deep Rest 07:41 18
9 Faraj Heaven Earth 07:15 17
10 Haushouse Day as a Lion 06:30 15
11 Kayza & Samar Going Insane (Alnath Remix) 05:57 14
12 Blanka Barbara Poem for Osiris (Alnath Remix) 05:13 12
13 DAVIDEE Substential D 07:16 17
14 Kiantek Kepler 07:10 16
15 Rublev Lines 07:08 16
16 Moril Milo 05:50 13
17 Haushouse Revelations 06:00 14
18 Damian Russo Club Berlin 07:25 17
19 Haushouse Paper Planes 06:32 15
20 Faraj Unlocked Secret 07:55 18
21 Faraj Amor 08:12 19
22 Rublev Lines (Odagled, Frilerd Remix) 06:43 15
23 Nik_Tizzani Before the Storm 06:37 15
24 Damian Russo Mr. Nobody 07:50 18
25 Rublev I Can Feel It 07:00 16
26 Bunnkid Addictive Girl 07:10 16
27 Fiorella (fr) Sanctuary (Alnath Remix) 06:12 14
28 Nik_Tizzani Walking 08:37 20
29 Haushouse The Game Is Out There 05:30 13
30 Damian Russo Club Berlin (Alnath Remix) 05:33 13
31 DAVIDEE Great Reset (Davidee Rework) 07:36 17
32 Bunnkid Jungle Man 06:52 16
33 Alnath Bluemoon 05:11 12
34 DAVIDEE Nineteen 05:59 14
35 Nik_Tizzani Black Heaven 06:51 16
36 Hansgod Ra Ime 05:39 13
37 Bunnkid Cebu 07:14 17
38 Alnath Time Reflections 06:45 15
39 DAVIDEE Token 06:25 15
40 Va O.N.E. Plague 06:39 15
41 Alnath Anima 05:55 14
42 Bunnkid Nacpan 07:20 17
43 DAVIDEE Great Reset 07:34 17
44 Hansgod Temperance 05:27 12
45 Alnath Konnektions 06:34 15

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
:... |___________________|\ . ....:

artist > Various Artists
title > Dream Into 2022
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Melodic House & Techno 

label > Oniryzm
catno > ONIR2022

predate > 2021-12-24
tracks > 45 
size > 686.94 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/276466202
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3584258

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > Lame
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Joint Stereo
source > WEB

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01. Fiorella (fr) - Sanctuary 6:20
02. Blanka Barbara - Poem for Osiris 5:43
03. Kiantek - Kepler (Ben Eidani Remix) 6:16
04. Alnath - Expecto 5:24
05. Moril - Aphra 5:14
06. Blanka Barbara - Poem for Osiris (Julien Vertigo Remix) 7:42
07. Kayza & Samar - Going Insane 7:36
08. Leville - Deep Rest 7:41
09. Faraj - Heaven Earth 7:14
10. Haushouse - Day as a Lion 6:30
11. Kayza & Samar - Going Insane (Alnath Remix) 5:57
12. Blanka Barbara - Poem for Osiris (Alnath Remix) 5:13
13. DAVIDEE - Substential D 7:16
14. Kiantek - Kepler 7:10
15. Rublev - Lines 7:08
16. Moril - Milo 5:50
17. Haushouse - Revelations 6:00
18. Damian Russo - Club Berlin 7:25
19. Haushouse - Paper Planes 6:31
20. Faraj - Unlocked Secret 7:55
21. Faraj - Amor 8:11
22. Rublev - Lines (Odagled, Frilerd Remix) 6:43
23. Nik_Tizzani - Before the Storm 6:36
24. Damian Russo - Mr. Nobody 7:49
25. Rublev - I Can Feel It 7:00
26. Bunnkid - Addictive Girl 7:10
27. Fiorella (fr) - Sanctuary (Alnath Remix) 6:12
28. Nik_Tizzani - Walking 8:36
29. Haushouse - The Game Is Out There 5:30
30. Damian Russo - Club Berlin (Alnath Remix) 5:32
31. DAVIDEE - Great Reset (Davidee Rework) 7:35
32. Bunnkid - Jungle Man 6:52
33. Alnath - Bluemoon 5:11
34. DAVIDEE - Nineteen 5:59
35. Nik_Tizzani - Black Heaven 6:51
36. Hansgod - Ra Ime 5:39
37. Bunnkid - Cebu 7:14
38. Alnath - Time Reflections 6:45
39. DAVIDEE - Token 6:25
40. Va O.N.E. - Plague 6:39
41. Alnath - Anima 5:55
42. Bunnkid - Nacpan 7:20
43. DAVIDEE - Great Reset 7:34
44. Hansgod - Temperance 5:26
45. Alnath - Konnektions 6:34


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It's here! Dream Into 2022, our massive compilation which features the 
best tracks released by Oniryzm in the past year. Many thanks to all 
the artists from all over the world that have participated in this 
release and thanks to all the people supporting, mixing and playing 
our tracks! Peace, Love and Music <3 

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last nfo update 2O211211
VA-Dream_Into_2022-(ONIR2022)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 720329014 // files: 45


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