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VA Edm – Dreamscape / 5063483350395 / Independent

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Various EDM Horizon of Tomorrow 01:36 4
2 Various EDM Nature's Pulse 01:19 3
3 Various EDM Shine in the Rhythm 01:52 4
4 Various EDM Blue Earth Beat 01:47 4
5 Various EDM Dreams in the Beat 01:30 3
6 Various EDM Echoes of Adventure 01:12 3
7 Various EDM Elevate 01:12 3
8 Various EDM Heartbeats in Harmony 01:31 3
9 Various EDM Neon Dreams 01:50 4
10 Various EDM Picturesque Rhythm 01:34 4
11 Various EDM Queens of the Beat 01:47 4
12 Various EDM Rhythm Revolution 01:35 4
13 Various EDM Youth in the Beat 01:26 3
14 Various EDM Blossoms in the Beat 01:36 4
15 Various EDM Calm in the Storm 01:32 4
16 Various EDM Dance Until Daw 01:29 3
17 Various EDM Heart's Echo 01:40 4
18 Various EDM Heroes of the Night 01:55 4
19 Various EDM Princess of the Beat 01:20 3
20 Various EDM Rainbow Rhythms 01:17 3
21 Various EDM Under the Winter Sky 01:56 4
22 Various EDM Cash Beat 01:27 3
23 Various EDM Empire of Beats 01:31 3
24 Various EDM Wings of the Beat 01:37 4
25 Various EDM Enchanted Beats 01:44 4

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R E L E A S E            
                       I N F O

                Artist: Various EDM
              Title: Dreamscape
              Label: Independent
              Catnr: 5063483350395
             Genre: House
            Str.date: 2024-04-12
              Rip.date: 2024-04-11
             Source: WEB
             Encoder: LAME3.100
              Quality: 320kbps / 44.1kHz / Stereo
               Tracks: 25
             Size: 90.2MB
         Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/571940161

        T R A C K                          

        L I S T I N G                                           

    Track  Title                                              Time

    01.    Horizon of Tomorrow                                01:36
    02.    Nature's Pulse                                     01:19
    03.    Shine in the Rhythm                                01:52
    04.    Blue Earth Beat                                    01:47
    05.    Dreams in the Beat                                 01:30
    06.    Echoes of Adventure                                01:11
    07.    Elevate                                            01:12
    08.    Heartbeats in Harmony                              01:31
    09.    Neon Dreams                                        01:50
    10.    Picturesque Rhythm                                 01:33
    11.    Queens of the Beat                                 01:46
    12.    Rhythm Revolution                                  01:35
    13.    Youth in the Beat                                  01:26
    14.    Blossoms in the Beat                               01:36
    15.    Calm in the Storm                                  01:32
    16.    Dance Until Daw                                    01:29
    17.    Heart's Echo                                       01:40
    18.    Heroes of the Night                                01:55
    19.    Princess of the Beat                               01:20
    20.    Rainbow Rhythms                                    01:17
    21.    Under the Winter Sky                               01:56
    22.    Cash Beat                                          01:27
    23.    Empire of Beats                                    01:31
    24.    Wings of the Beat                                  01:37
    25.    Enchanted Beats                                    01:43

        ASCii by                               

                  .R I P P E R S.   

                .C O M M E N T.        

          TEAM ZzZz                     
         salutes all partners     
        in this educational crime!                       
       we thank all the fans, we will
          keep rocking...

                     Greetingz Team ZzZz
Various_EDM_-_Dreamscape-(5063483350395)-WEB-2024-ZzZz // filesize: 94136346 // files:

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