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VA – Family Affair Vol. 4 / Razor-N-Tape

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Bessa Simons Sii NaNa (JKriv Fit Rework) 07:09 17
2 Arnau Obiols Pagan Mambo 05:09 12
3 Yasmin Real High 04:58 12
4 Caio Cenci Vestida de Verde 06:07 14
5 VINCENZO Love Accurate 06:52 16
6 Ilija Rudman Discoteka Parmida 05:24 13
7 Underground System Devotion 05:07 12
8 Dobao Disfrutar 05:49 13
9 Dennis Liber Baila Exotica feat. Yasmin Kademian 05:42 13
10 MISIU Belsize Funk 07:31 17

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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

                     VA - Family Affair Vol. 4                     

     ARTiST..[ Various Artists                                       
     TiTLE...[ Family Affair Vol. 4                                  
      GENRE...[ House                   CAT#....[ RNTD117N             
      LABEL...[ Razor-N-Tape            ENCODER.[ Lame 3.100           
      YEAR....[ 2024                    QUALiTY.[ 320kbps              
      SOURCE..[ WEB (FLAC)              MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 60:06                   REL.DATE[ 12.13.2024           
      TRACKS..[ 10                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 137,73 MB               SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Bessa Simons - Sii NaNa (JKriv Fit Rework)        07:11      
      02  Arnau Obiols - Pagan Mambo                        05:10      
      03  Yasmin - Real High                                05:00      
      04  Caio Cenci - Vestida de Verde                     06:09      
      05  VINCENZO - Love Accurate                          06:54      
      06  Ilija Rudman - Discoteka Parmida                  05:26      
      07  Underground System - Devotion                     05:09      
      08  Dobao - Disfrutar                                 05:51      
      09  Dennis Liber - Baila Exotica feat. Yasmin Kademian05:44      
      10  MISIU - Belsize Funk                              07:32      

                                                     TOTAL: 60:06      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


             RNT drops their fourth installment of the                 
             beloved compilation series Family Affair with a           
             diverse offering of vibes across 10 tracks                
             digitally + a special 5 song 12 vinyl sampler.           

             This years edition adds many fresh new faces             
             to the ever expanding RNT artist roster, with             
             head-nodding R&B stylings from Yasmin, a dreamy           
             contribution from German deep house legend                
             Vincenzo, modern live-arranged Afrobeat from              
             Barcelonas Arnau Obiols, burning cosmic disco            
             from Ilija Rodman, and many more.                         

             The RNT stable turns out as well, with snappy             
             afro-punk-disco from Underground System and an            
             Afro-electro secret weapon from label co-head             
             JKriv. With ever gorgeous artwork that is now             
             the signature style of this series, this                  
             collection is one for both the listening shelf            
             and the USB!                                              

             junodownload Review                                       
             The release of a new 'Family Affair'                      
             compilation from Razor 'N' Tape is quickly                
             becoming an annual tradition, with the                    
             Brooklyn-based stable putting together sets               
             that blend unheard cuts from long-term label              
             artists with genuine gems by new additions to             
             the roster. Predictably, volume four in the               
             series is jam-packed with high-grade treats,              
             from the loose-limbed Afrobeat funkiness of               
             'Pagan Mambo' by Arnau Obiols and the slow-               
             motion, soul-fired nu-disco dreaminess of                 
             Yasmin's delicious 'Real High', to the heady              
             deep house loveliness of Vincenzo's 'Love                 
             Accurate', the acid-flecked, Konk-esque                   
             'Devotion' by Underground System, and the                 
             weighty Latin-disco-meets-Latin-house                     
             brilliance of 'Disfrutar' by Dobao.                       

                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
 .                                                      .
                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .
VA-Family_Affair_Vol._4-(RNTD117N)-WEB-2024-OMA // filesize: 144711374 // files:


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