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VA – Keep It Progressive, Vol. 22 / LWKIP22 / LW Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Aurelien Stireg The Glory Of The Elves (Original Mix) 06:05 14
2 Mully, Shvman & Hylia Dead Zone (Extended Mix) 07:02 16
3 Waysen & Alexxon Never Leave Me (Extended Mix) 04:56 11
4 Strange Malcolm More Than Us (Matt Black Remix) 08:50 20
5 PKNeer Express Yourself Freely (Extended Mix) 05:03 12
6 Chrisstrat & Sundrej Zohar Chasing Horizons (Original Mix) 05:34 13
7 PCP (BE) The Backroom (Original Mix) 06:02 14
8 Matan Caspi Breathe (Original Mix) 07:17 17
9 Vlad Gold Space Wanderer (Original Mix) 06:02 14
10 Eclept & Valery Wiz Bells (Original Mix) 05:48 13
11 Mendexx Anhedonia (Original Mix) 06:17 14
12 Bavinni Lose My Breath (Extended Mix) 06:16 14
13 Rok Primec All I Need (Original Mix) 06:16 14
14 DJ Formisan Shine Atomic (Original Mix) 05:28 13
15 BRI & Dave Ohms Hesitate (Mason Alexander Remix) 08:35 20
16 Soire Sub Urban (Original Mix) 06:40 15
17 Edvard Hunger Let Me Be In Your Music (Original Mix) 06:15 14
18 Under Sanctions Nomadic Beats (Extended Mix) 05:56 14
19 Vellichor Alive (Oliver Winkler Extended Remix) 07:44 18
20 Burak Cilt Poison Tree (Extended Mix) 04:31 10
21 Ahmed Khalid People (MainDain Remix) 03:56 9
22 Brannco & Andreos Fire (Extended Mix) 04:04 9
23 Castelli Stucks Don't Let Me Go (Radio Mix) 04:15 10
24 Anvero Skyfall (Original Mix) 05:25 12
25 Jenni Renee feat. Tony Moran City Lights (Dancin') (Tony Moran Anthem Remix Instrumental) 06:25 15

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      Release Info    

        Artist: Various Artists
        Title: Keep It Progressive, Vol. 22
        Release Date: 21.06.2024                    Street Year: 2024
        Quality: 320kbps / 44,1 / Joint Stereo      Tracks: 25
        Source: (FLAC) WEB                          Genre: House
        Release Size: 347,71 MB                     Language: English
        Ripper Soft: EAC                            Encoding Soft: LAME
        Label: LW Recordings                        Cat.no: LWKIP22
        Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/603502902


       Track:                 Track titles:                Lenght:       

           01. Aurelien Stireg - The Glory Of The Elves      06:07
               (Original Mix)
           02. Mully, Shvman & Hylia - Dead Zone             07:05
               (Extended Mix)
           03. Waysen & Alexxon - Never Leave Me             04:58
               (Extended Mix)
           04. Strange Malcolm - More Than Us                08:53
               (Matt Black Remix)
           05. PKNeer - Express Yourself Freely              05:05
               (Extended Mix)
           06. Chrisstrat & Sundrej Zohar - Chasing Horizons 05:36
               (Original Mix)
           07. PCP (BE) - The Backroom (Original Mix)        06:04
           08. Matan Caspi - Breathe (Original Mix)          07:19
           09. Vlad Gold - Space Wanderer (Original Mix)     06:04
           10. Eclept & Valery Wiz - Bells (Original Mix)    05:51
           11. Mendexx - Anhedonia (Original Mix)            06:20
           12. Bavinni - Lose My Breath (Extended Mix)       06:19
           13. Rok Primec - All I Need (Original Mix)        06:19
           14. DJ Formisan - Shine Atomic (Original Mix)     05:31
           15. BRI & Dave Ohms - Hesitate                    08:38
               (Mason Alexander Remix)
           16. Soire - Sub Urban (Original Mix)              06:42
           17. Edvard Hunger - Let Me Be In Your Music       06:17
               (Original Mix)
           18. Under Sanctions - Nomadic Beats (Extended Mix)05:58
           19. Vellichor - Alive                             07:47
               (Oliver Winkler Extended Remix)
           20. Burak Cilt - Poison Tree (Extended Mix)       04:33
           21. Ahmed Khalid - People (MainDain Remix)        03:58
           22. Brannco & Andreos - Fire (Extended Mix)       04:06
           23. Castelli Stucks - Don't Let Me Go (Radio Mix) 04:17
           24. Anvero - Skyfall (Original Mix)               05:27
           25. Jenni Renee feat. Tony Moran - City Lights    06:27
               (Dancin') (Tony Moran Anthem Remix Instrumental

     About Release    

       Keep It Progressive, Vol. 22 presents tracks and remixes from
       Aurelien Stireg, Matt Black, PKNeer, PCP (BE), Matan Caspi,
       Mendexx, Bavinni, Rok Primec, DJ Formisan, Mason Alexander,
       Soire, Edvard Hunger, Under Sanctions, Oliver Winkler, Burak
       Cilt, MainDain, Castelli Stucks, Anvero, Tony Moran, Mully,
       Shvman, HYLIA, Waysen & Alexxon, Strange Malcolm, Chrisstrat,
       Sundrej Zohar, Vlad Gold, Eclept, Valery Wiz, Bri & Dave
       Ohms, Vellichor, Ahmed Khalid, Brannco & Andreos, Jenni Renee
       feat Tony Moran.



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            NFO by: Eboy^SAC       
                          Updated On 04-24-2020 By COS
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