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VA – LW Recordings: Wrapped 2024 Deep Tech / LWWRAPPED2405 / LW Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Julian Montenegro Bon Voyage (Extended Mix) 04:58 11
2 Sheeq One Way (Original Mix) 06:32 15
3 MINT (JPN) Make It Real (Original Mix) 06:05 14
4 Karu Ready Out The Box (Exclusive Mix) 04:49 11
5 Roberto Surace It's Groovy (Original Mix) 06:02 14
6 BarBQ Per Aspera Ad Astra (Genning Radio Version) 05:08 12
7 Emery (Ch) Da Power (Original Mix) 05:59 14
8 Querido (CH) Groove On (Roudkav Remix) 06:32 15
9 Nat Queen Kult H2O (Original Mix) 06:37 15
10 Bizen Lopez Back To 1987 (Original Mix) 06:28 15
11 Landslide Crew Left, Right (Original Mix) 03:30 8
12 Omari Most Important Thing (Original Mix) 06:30 15
13 Delacombe Insolence (Original Mix) 08:15 19
14 Wurfel & Knobel The Trembling Trainer (Original Mix) 06:55 16
15 Alf_io Metaverso (Original Mix) 08:15 19
16 Marc Molina Puerto Rico (Original Mix) 06:12 14
17 Alan Becker Exper (Original Mix) 06:16 14
18 NovaQue Check The Beat Out (Franz Johann Remix) 04:09 10
19 XA3MAT Communication Breakdown (Original Mix) 05:05 12
20 Charlie Curtin Brean (Original Mix) 05:09 12
21 Tony V Dazed & Confused (Original Mix) 06:16 14
22 AnAmStyle & Branco Argenta You Know What I Mean (Original Mix) 05:07 12
23 Simon Salazar Libertador (Extended Mix) 06:04 14
24 Nnau Firu (Original Mix) 06:03 14
25 Jake Bleu Open The Door (Radio Edit) 04:06 9

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      Release Info    

        Artist: Various Artists
        Title: LW Recordings: Wrapped 2024 Deep Tech
        Street Year: 2024                           Encoding Soft: LAME
        Quality: 320kbps / 44,1 / Joint Stereo      Tracks: 25
        Source: (FLAC) WEB                          Genre: House
        Release Size: 341,51 MB                     Language: English
        Label: LW Recordings                        Cat.no: LWWRAPPED2405
        Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/685206171


       Track:                 Track titles:                Lenght:       

           01. Julian Montenegro - Bon Voyage (Extended Mix) 05:03
           02. Sheeq - One Way (Original Mix)                06:37
           03. MINT (JPN) - Make It Real (Original Mix)      06:10
           04. Karu - Ready Out The Box (Exclusive Mix)      04:54
           05. Roberto Surace - It's Groovy (Original Mix)   06:07
           06. BarBQ - Per Aspera Ad Astra                   05:13
               (Genning Radio Version)
           07. Emery (Ch) - Da Power (Original Mix)          06:04
           08. Querido (CH) - Groove On (Roudkav Remix)      06:37
           09. Nat Queen Kult - H2O (Original Mix)           06:42
           10. Bizen Lopez - Back To 1987 (Original Mix)     06:32
           11. Landslide Crew - Left, Right (Original Mix)   03:35
           12. Omari - Most Important Thing (Original Mix)   06:35
           13. Delacombe - Insolence (Original Mix)          08:20
           14. Wurfel & Knobel - The Trembling Trainer       07:00
               (Original Mix)
           15. Alf_io - Metaverso (Original Mix)             08:20
           16. Marc Molina - Puerto Rico (Original Mix)      06:17
           17. Alan Becker - Exper (Original Mix)            06:21
           18. NovaQue - Check The Beat Out                  04:14
               (Franz Johann Remix)
           19. XA3MAT - Communication Breakdown              05:10
               (Original Mix)
           20. Charlie Curtin - Brean (Original Mix)         05:14
           21. Tony V - Dazed & Confused (Original Mix)      06:21
           22. AnAmStyle & Branco Argenta - You Know What I  05:11
               Mean (Original Mix)
           23. Simn Salazar - Libertador (Extended Mix)     06:09
           24. Nnau - Firu (Original Mix)                    06:07
           25. Jake Bleu - Open The Door (Radio Edit)        04:11

     About Release    

       Tracks and remixes from Lowcult, Julian Montenegro, Sheeq,
       MINT (JPN), KARU, Roberto Surace, Genning, Emery (CH),
       Roudkav, Nat Queen Kult, Bizen Lopez, Omari, Delacombe,
       Wurfel & Knobel, Alf_io, Marc Molina, Alan Becker, Franz
       Johann, XA3MAT, Charlie Curtin, Tony V, Simon Salazar, Nnau,
       Jake Bleu, BarBQ, Querido (CH), Landslide Crew, NovaQue,
       AnAmStyle, Branco Argenta.



             You know where to find the Crazy Old Scenesters.           

                        E-Mail: none
                           IRC: none

                        We are currently looking for:

                   * 1000mbit+ affil sites (linux/unix ONLY!)
                   * Promo/Vinyl/CD/WEB Suppliers
                   * Legit Shell Suppliers


         Keep our releases away from p2p and other lame shit.            
           We don't never support them. So fuck off!


                                  maybe you? :)

      If you like this product, BUY IT! Artists deserve your support.  

            NFO by: Eboy^SAC       
                          Updated On 09-10-2024 By COS
VA-LW_Recordings_Wrapped_2024_Deep_Tech-(LWWRAPPED2405)-WEB-2024-COS // filesize: 351320250 // files:


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