part of the remix.network

VA – NDE Compilation 002 Vol.1 / NDEC002 / New Day Everyday

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Thomass Jackson Pittsburgh 06:16 14
2 Eliezer & Niv Ast By The Order 05:03 12
3 Sandhog Sunshine 05:59 14
4 Deadly Weapons Gucci Party Feat. Vongold & N.O.Y 06:31 15
5 Daweed Outdoor 07:44 18
6 Astroloop La Vida 06:18 14
7 Sharoo Countdown 05:27 13
8 Tako Libertad 06:17 14
9 Ninay Shonzelize 07:00 16

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... because it's about music :::::::::
. :::::::::
. :::::::::
: :::::::::
::::::::::::::........: RELEASE .NFO ::::...... :::::::::
: ____ ____:::: :::::::::
___ _____ / / ______/ /: . :::::::::
__\ \/ /___\ \______ _\ _/ / /:: ,: :::::::::
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/__/ /_____/ // / ___ / _\ :::..?' ' ' :::::::::
\___/ \________/____\ /\___\ : :::::::::
/_____/ .: ' :::::::::
: ':::::::::
artist...: VA :::::::::
title....: NDE Compilation 002 Vol.1 :::::::::
label....: New Day Everyday :::::::::
cat.nr...: NDEC002 :::::::::
style....: House :::::::::
quality...: [email protected],kHz :::::::::
chan-mode.: Joint Stereo :::::::::
rls.size.: 129,65 MB source....: WEB-FLAC :::::::::
rls.date.: Jan-19-2022 encoder...: LAME 3.100 -b 320 :::::::::
url/nfo..: https://www.deezer.com/de/album/284138702 :::::::::
____________ _______ / //_________ :::::::::
____/ / /____/ _ / \ \::::::\____/ //::
::::::::..: NOTES :../ / / / / /_ /__/___\ \::::::: ___/_____/:::
____________________/____\ /____ / /______/ \ \ :::::::::
\___\ / _/ / // \_ :::::::::
\____/ \__________/ :::::::::
New Day Everyday wrap up 2021 with a second compilation and :::::::::
keep digging into the roots and essence of their musical :::::::::
sphere. :::::::::
These two volumes of a compilation include 18 tracks of :::::::::
good friends & great artists while focusing on the Tel :::::::::
Aviv sound and the new voices in the scene alongside to :::::::::
well established artists from all over :::::::::
the world. :::::::::
Volume 1 set the mood to dancing. It has all the dancefloor :::::::::
ricochets a good club can ask for and these acid vintage :::::::::
machines youll find in some deserted studio in Vilnius. :::::::::
It includes great hits by: Thomass Jackson, Eliezer & Niv :::::::::
Ast, Sandhog, Astroloop, Deadly Weapons, Daweed, Sharoo, :::::::::
Tako and Ninay. :::::::::
Put your hand in the fire. :::::::::
:___ ____ _ ___::/ /_::_
_____ ___ ___ | | / _/// / //__//_///
_/ /__\ \______\ \_____ | |/ /_____\_ \:::::::
.....:: TRACKLIST :\ / \ \ _ / _/___| / /\ / / \\:'
:/ _/ / /___ \ / \ \ \_____/ \\ \
no : track title ____//___|\ \ \____\___/_____\__| ti:me\________/::::
:\______\ ..:::::::
01 : Thomass Jackson - Pittsburgh 06:16 :::::::
02 : Eliezer & Niv Ast - By The Order 05:03 :::::::
03 : Sandhog - Sunshine 05:59 :::::::
04 : Deadly Weapons - Gucci Party Feat. Vongold & N.O.Y06:30 :::::::
05 : Daweed - Outdoor 07:44 :::::::
06 : Astroloop - La Vida 06:18 :::::::
07 : Sharoo - Countdown 05:27 :::::::
08 : Tako - Libertad 06:17 :::::::
09 : Ninay - Shonzelize 07:00 :::::::
total length: 56:34 :::::::
. ____ ________ ____ ______:::::::
. ____ _\ \ / /_\ \ _____ ________/ :::::::
:: __/ _/__ / \ \ / / / / /_\ \______ \ _/ / /:::::::
:::.\ \_ / / /________/ / / _/ \ /____\__ \______/ :::::::
::::/_____/ \__|\ \ \ \______/ \\_____// / / _\ :::::::
:::::::::/_____/\_______\....:::: \____\ /____\ /\___\ :::::::
:::: \_____\ ::::::
:::: GROUP NFO :::....................::::::.
As release upon release emerges, we will continue to bring you only :::::.
the best in electronic music! We focus equally on both style and ::::::
quality, and if you're reading our info, you already know that. ::::::
We're now in our 22nd year, and we feel pretty confident about the ::::::
work we do. We have brought music to the masses, and in doing so ::::::
hopefully made their lives that much better. For us, that is what ::::::
its all about, and thats what keeps us going. ::::::
We purchase records and rip them so other people can hear the tracks ::::::
and decide if they want to buy! We have paid for our records and ::::::
think you should also, if you do not subscribe to this, you are part ::::::
of the problem. So if you like a release please buy it. Don't be a ::::::
skanky bitch about the price, just pay it! In doing so, you are ::::::
supporting what we all love so much. We sleep good at night cause we ::::::
support the artists that produces electronic music, without whom we ::::::
wouldn't have so much material to enjoy. We know some releases are ::::::
nearly impossible to find, so buy something else you like instead :D ::::::
The electronic music scene ain't like the pop and rock scene. Where ::::::
fans pays 100Euro for a ticket to a concert! It's smaller and ::::::
artists rely on units sold. Since you probably downloaded this ::::::
release and think you can have it for free -- you're wrong. That ::::::
mindset is killing the artists and the scene. Its simple, support ::::::
the people who support you, musically. ::::::
We at TechnoRulez are adamant about any of releases being posted in ::::::
public scene dupingchans and prechans! Please respect that, and ::::::
remove our releases from the db's. We insist that the scene must be ::::::
kept underground, and if the clueless lamers using such chans and ::::::
websites cant comply with the terms, you will see alot less of us. ::::::
That doesn't mean we will slow down, but we will take action to keep ::::::
our releases internal or a very limited spread. It is simply ::::::
unacceptable to post scene related info on *any* public source at ::::::
*any* time. Use your head. ::::::
In the words of a Luke Slater track, "Lets get together" and make ::::::
the scene a better place for all of us! keep the distance from ::::::
the n00bs, and unite more to keep the few bad apples from ruining ::::::
our business! ::::::
As always, cheers! ::::::
/TechnoRulez 2021 ::::::
p.s. We are currently looking for experienced Rippers! ::::::
You know where to find us! ::::::
.........................::::: GREETINGS :::::........................::::::.
1REAL . AES . ALKi . AMOK . BEX . BOSS . CMC . CMG . DEF. dh . dL :::::.
DPS . DRUM . DW2K . EMP . FWYH . HuMi . gEm . iHF . iTALiVE ::::..
jAZzMan . KrbZ . kW . mbs . MGC . MiM . MOD . MS . MTC ::::.
SOULFUL . sour . radial . SHELTER . SiBERiA :::.
SQ . SSR . UBE .USR . YARD ::.
& all underground electronic music lovers ;) ::.
_____________________________________________________________________ __ _____
> TR.oldschool.nfo.Build.0.70 | Updated 2017/07/21| (t^) // /// /

VA_-_NDE_Compilation_002_Vol.1_(NDEC002)-WEB-2022-TR // filesize: 136062974 // files: 9


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