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VA – Nothing But… Rave Rituals, Vol. 15 / NBRAVER15 / Nothing But

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Nate Laurence & Drubes Bona Fide Underground (Original Mix) 07:08 16
2 CLSS Pirates (Instrumental Mix) 02:45 6
3 MVRC3LB Carousell (Original Mix) 02:17 5
4 Manik (NZ) Rebirth (Original Mix) 06:56 16
5 Dale Castell Feelings (Club Mix) 05:55 14
6 The Lynch Effect Trippin Out (Radio Edit) 03:06 7
7 Ruben Vidal Feat. Rick Galactik Shattered Dreams (Original Mix) 04:50 11
8 Tamara Allasia Zama (Original Mix) 06:03 14
9 LuYah & Jaynie Shake Em (Kumo Remix) 03:43 9
10 5X & Feed The Fire Neonlight (Original Mix) 02:59 7
11 Andrea Belli, Dave Roy Bland & Luca Cassani Oh Lord (Original Edit) 02:46 6
12 Emilio Mustafa Feat. Maria Antonia El Mar y Ella (Original Mix) 04:13 10
13 Elecriot Falling For You (Original Mix) 02:15 5
14 Roberto Surace Message (Original Mix) 03:15 7
15 Samyuel Messing With My Head (Original Mix) 03:56 9
16 Scott Gardner Tease Me (Remixes) (Club Mix) 02:30 6
17 Caq-Tus Strappp (Original Mix) 03:16 7
18 Dave Kurtis Feelings (Club Mix) 03:51 9
19 GrayMata & Corshh Nearly there (Original Mix) 03:39 8
20 Demarkus Lewis Evening Run (Original Mix) 06:09 14
21 ICee1 Come Closer (Original Mix) 06:13 14
22 Sexgadget & Lambi La Musica (Poni Punkflwr Remix) 03:16 7
23 AnAmStyle Tell The World (Original Mix) 05:48 13
24 Myk Dubz A Way Out (Original Mix) 06:54 16
25 Adam S Donatz After Rains (Original Mix) 04:45 11

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      Release Info    

        Artist: Various Artists
        Title: Nothing But... Rave Rituals, Vol. 15
        Release Date: 21.06.2024                    Street Year: 2024
        Quality: 320kbps / 44,1 / Joint Stereo      Tracks: 25
        Source: (FLAC) WEB                          Genre: House
        Release Size: 252,94 MB                     Language: English
        Ripper Soft: EAC                            Encoding Soft: LAME
        Label: Nothing But                          Cat.no: NBRAVER15
        Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/597831442


       Track:                 Track titles:                Lenght:       

           01. Nate Laurence & Drubes - Bona Fide            07:12
               Underground (Original Mix)
           02. CLSS - Pirates (Instrumental Mix)             02:50
           03. MVRC3LB - Carousell (Original Mix)            02:22
           04. Manik (NZ) - Rebirth (Original Mix)           07:00
           05. Dale Castell - Feelings (Club Mix)            05:59
           06. The Lynch Effect - Trippin Out (Radio Edit)   03:11
           07. Ruben Vidal Feat. Rick Galactik - Shattered   04:55
               Dreams (Original Mix)
           08. Tamara Allasia - Zama (Original Mix)          06:07
           09. LuYah & Jaynie - Shake Em (Kumo Remix)        03:48
           10. 5X & Feed The Fire - Neonlight (Original Mix) 03:04
           11. Andrea Belli, Dave Roy Bland & Luca Cassani - 02:50
               Oh Lord (Original Edit)
           12. Emilio Mustafa Feat. Mara Antonia - El Mar y 04:17
               Ella (Original Mix)
           13. Elecriot - Falling For You (Original Mix)     02:20
           14. Roberto Surace - Message (Original Mix)       03:19
           15. Samyuel - Messing With My Head (Original Mix) 04:00
           16. Scott Gardner - Tease Me (Remixes) (Club Mix) 02:34
           17. Caq-Tus - Strappp (Original Mix)              03:20
           18. Dave Kurtis - Feelings (Club Mix)             03:55
           19. GrayMata & Corshh - Nearly there              03:44
               (Original Mix)
           20. Demarkus Lewis - Evening Run (Original Mix)   06:13
           21. ICee1 - Come Closer (Original Mix)            06:18
           22. Sexgadget & Lambi - La Musica                 03:20
               (Poni Punkflwr Remix)
           23. AnAmStyle - Tell The World (Original Mix)     05:52
           24. Myk Dubz - A Way Out (Original Mix)           06:58
           25. Adam S Donatz - After Rains (Original Mix)    04:49

     About Release    

       Nothing But... Rave Rituals, Vol. 15 presents tracks and
       remixes from Manik (NZ), Dale Castell, The Lynch Effect,
       Ruben Vidal Featuring Rick Galactik, Kumo, 5X & Feed The
       Fire, Emilio Mustafa, Elecriot, Roberto Surace, Samyuel,
       Caq-Tus, Dave Kurtis, Demarkus Lewis, ICEE1, Poni PunkFlwr,
       AnAmStyle, Myk Dubz, Adam S Donatz, Nate Laurence & Drubes,
       CLSS, MVRC3LB, Tamara Allasia, Luyah & Jaynie, Andrea Belli,
       Dave Roy Bland, Luca Cassani, Scott Gardner, Graymata &
       Corshh, Sexgadget & Lambi



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            NFO by: Eboy^SAC       
                          Updated On 04-24-2020 By COS
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