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VA – Slothboogie Presents Dancing With Friends Vol 3 / SBLP003 / Slothboogie

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Philippa Chet's Vibe 06:07 14
2 Lowres Skleyka 04:25 10
3 Sudden_Moves Take Back 04:57 11
4 Intr0beatz While You're Here 05:06 12
5 Ruff_Stuff Stab Culture 06:57 16
6 Tiptoes We on Dis Ting 06:30 15
7 Craftsmanship Raw Disco Bastards 04:58 11
8 Baby_Rollen Study in Serenity 07:13 17
9 Jive_Talk 4Eva 4C1D 06:50 16
10 King_Julian I Miss You 06:25 15
11 Kristy_Harper Out of Character 04:07 10
12 Scruscru_x_Aman_Po-Kaifu Camel Ride 06:07 14
13 Demuir Industry State 07:17 17
14 Donald_Dust Aftercare 06:47 16
15 The_Revenge Take Hold (Dub) 07:07 16
16 HNQO So Sure 05:04 12

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                     < episode#73077 | twilight peridot >                      


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    . :::::| METADATA SUMMARY  |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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         artist > Various Artists
          title > Slothboogie Presents Dancing With Friends Vol 3
           year > 2023
          genre > House  
           mood > deephouse           

          label > Slothboogie
          catno > SBLP003

        predate > 2023-07-07
         tracks > 16           
           size > 221.42 mb

            url > https://www.deezer.com/album/453029345
            buy > https://www.junodownload.com/products/6177860-02

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          codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
        encoder > Lame
        quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
         source > WEB

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  01. Philippa - Chet's Vibe                                          6:07
  02. Lowres - Skleyka                                                4:25
  03. Sudden_Moves - Take Back                                        4:57
  04. Intr0beatz - While You're Here                                  5:06
  05. Ruff_Stuff - Stab Culture                                       6:57
  06. Tiptoes - We on Dis Ting                                        6:30
  07. Craftsmanship - Raw Disco Bastards                              4:58
  08. Baby_Rollen - Study in Serenity                                 7:12
  09. Jive_Talk - 4Eva 4C1D                                           6:50
  10. King_Julian - I Miss You                                        6:24
  11. Kristy_Harper - Out of Character                                4:06
  12. Scruscru_x_Aman_Po-Kaifu - Camel Ride                           6:07
  13. Demuir - Industry State                                         7:16
  14. Donald_Dust - Aftercare                                         6:47
  15. The_Revenge - Take Hold (Dub)                                   7:06
  16. HNQO - So Sure                                                  5:04

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       SlothBoogie's 'Dancing With Friends' series, a compilation strand       
     showcasing cuts from both label artists and invited guests, has firmly    
     established itself as 'one to watch'. Happily, the third volume in the    
       series is as on-point as its predecessors. There's much to admire       
      across the 16 tracks on show, with our picks of a very strong bunch      
      including the sun-soaked deep house heat of Philippa's sample-heavy      
     'Chet's Vibe', the bumpin', post-hip-house hedonism of 'Take Back' by     
      Sudden Moves, the dream house-goes-Detroit techno hypnotism of Ruff      
         Stuff's 'Stab Culture', the deep acid house excellence of Baby        
      Rollen's 'Study in Serenity' and the throbbing excellence of Donald      
     Dust's 'Aftercare'. Throw in killer cuts from a couple of better-known    
       artists - see the contributions from Demuir and the Revenge - and       
                you've got another genuinely must-check release.               

      :     x                                                           .:
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                                                 last nfo update: 20220405
VA-Slothboogie_Presents_Dancing_With_Friends_Vol_3-(SBLP003)-WEB-2023-BABAS // filesize: 229109204 // files:


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