part of the remix.network

VA – The Best Of Siena 2021 / TBOS06 / Siena

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Maximo Quinones, DOWNLow (US) Body Move 05:47 13
2 Bizza Do You The Same 06:49 16
3 Beatsonik Talkin' Bout 06:42 15
4 Alessio Deluxe Don't Stop 06:06 14
5 Jay Heslop Grown 06:04 14
6 Xpiral Music Wonderer (Rokazer Remix) 06:23 15
7 Abdon, Deiver Hipster 06:00 14
8 JHerrera Troika 06:21 15
9 Adrian Mart, Santo Arrosa Mundo 06:09 14
10 Red Effects Carioka 06:11 14
11 Carbajo, Julio Corrales Roller (Underground Calling Remix) 06:20 15
12 Kassier, Robert Bueno Don't Mess With The 808 06:52 16
13 CALI (EC), 21 Souls Follow The Beat 05:27 13
14 Lasted Modern 05:02 12
15 Deltech Keep The Funk 05:37 13
16 Leo Astorga Radio 06:27 15
17 Groover (ARG) Second Chance (Edu Escartin Remix) 06:59 16
18 Drazzler Crying 06:20 15
19 Mastro (Italy), KristoFurr Say Something 07:13 17
20 Danilo Milani Basic 05:34 13
21 Nico Grunewaldt All Gold 05:39 13
22 Shakerdancer Soger 06:10 14
23 Vinary Hydroponic 05:14 12
24 Otoxic Buuh (Society Haus Remix) 05:34 13

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Various Artists
title > The Best Of Siena 2021
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > House 

label > Siena
catno > TBOS06

predate > 2021-12-24
tracks > 24 
size > 337.12 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/275729772
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3583491

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Maximo Quinones, DOWNLow (US) - Body Move 5:47
02. Bizza - Do You The Same 6:49
03. Beatsonik - Talkin' Bout 6:42
04. Alessio Deluxe - Don't Stop 6:06
05. Jay Heslop - Grown 6:03
06. Xpiral Music - Wonderer (Rokazer Remix) 6:23
07. Abdon, Deiver - Hipster 6:00
08. JHerrera - Troika 6:21
09. Adrian Mart, Santo Arrosa - Mundo 6:08
10. Red Effects - Carioka 6:11
11. Carbajo, Julio Corrales - Roller (Underground Calling Remix) 6:19
12. Kassier, Robert Bueno - Don't Mess With The 808 6:51
13. CALI (EC), 21 Souls - Follow The Beat 5:27
14. Lasted - Modern 5:01
15. Deltech - Keep The Funk 5:37
16. Leo Astorga - Radio 6:27
17. Groover (ARG) - Second Chance (Edu Escartin Remix) 6:59
18. Drazzler - Crying 6:20
19. Mastro (Italy), KristoFurr - Say Something 7:12
20. Danilo Milani - Basic 5:34
21. Nico Grunewaldt - All Gold 5:38
22. Shakerdancer - Soger 6:10
23. Vinary - Hydroponic 5:14
24. Otoxic - Buuh (Society Haus Remix) 5:34


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One more year, as usual, we bring our compilation of the best tracks 
of the year that we have released in this house. 

Packed with different styles and different artists, we have quality 
music, offering our concept of SIENA. 

To thank all the producers and artists who have participated in this 
very different year, for trusting us and offering us their music and 
their talent so that one more year it is possible to send our message 
to the young producers. 

SIENA was created to give space, and visibility to all kinds of 
artists, whether they are great DJs & well-known Producers as well as 
small artists who have just started. 

Here only music matters, so for another year we can be happy and 
satisfied to continue supporting all kinds of producers. 

And of course, be grateful to all the people who listen, buy and 
support our music in these very different times. 

From the SIENA team we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 
New Year. 

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last nfo update 2O211211
VA-The_Best_Of_Siena_2021-(TBOS06)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 353576384 // files: 24


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