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VA – The Remixes, Vol. 56 / LWTR56 / LW Recordings

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Caju Sessions Breakfast (Aerobica Remix) 05:06 12
2 Danske Beat Funky Tricky (Matush Remix) 05:48 13
3 Gabry Sangineto, Pagany & Glen Horsborough Everyday A New Day (Glen Horsborough Remix) 03:47 9
4 Teales Crickets (Lucas Remix) 04:36 11
5 Twelve Clouds One Of Them (Tommy Vicari Jnr Remix) 06:10 14
6 Paul Deighton Do You Remember The Time (DEIGHTON Paul Remix) 06:17 14
7 ManyNames Back Again (Shane Fontane Remix) 06:25 15
8 Ruben Vidal feat. Rick Galactik & Eman Open Your Eyes (Coltrane Deeper Remix) 08:13 19
9 Dj_responski Talk To Me (Hypnotica Bo , D* La Cruz Remix) 05:58 14
10 Flipper Noir Pt.1 (Cryogenics Remix) 06:07 14
11 Mike Ferullo Feat. Alana Kai Kiss Me (Dark Intensity Remix) 04:02 9
12 Carlos Tomicic Introspect (Kenny Remix) 05:40 13
13 Szmer Jester (Dynamic Forces Remix) 04:19 10
14 Albert Marzinotto, Stereo Kidz & Marco Santoro GOLDZILLA (Marco Santoro Remix) 06:02 14
15 The Prescriber Bullshit (Forbidden Remix) 06:23 15
16 Barbara Tucker Presents The BCrew Promised Land (Homage) Grand Finale (David Morales Disco Juice Remix) 06:32 15
17 Tataki (DE) Toxic (AiKAi Remix) 05:41 13
18 Lo Pagani Atmos (FL!M Remix) 05:48 13
19 Mood Oblivion (Naux Remix) 07:04 16
20 RYKHO Phoenix (Andy Galea Remix) 05:36 13
21 Pomata La Revolucion Sexual (Club Remix) 03:00 7
22 Paperkraft OK Corral (Aldonna Remix) 05:31 13
23 Mr. Root Without You (BPMA Remix) 06:08 14
24 Dj Konik feat. Ludovico Experience 2024 (Techno Extended Remix) 03:16 8
25 PG2 Hey-Heeey (DJ Neil & Julio Posadas Remix) 06:17 14

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      Release Info    

        Artist: Various Artists
        Title: The Remixes, Vol. 56
        Release Date: 13.08.2024                    Street Year: 2024
        Quality: 320kbps / 44,1 / Joint Stereo      Tracks: 25
        Source: (FLAC) WEB                          Genre: House
        Release Size: 324,27 MB                     Language: English
        Ripper Soft: EAC                            Encoding Soft: LAME
        Label: LW Recordings                        Cat.no: LWTR56
        Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/617845451


       Track:                 Track titles:                Lenght:       

           01. Caju Sessions - Breakfast (Aerobica Remix)    05:10
           02. Danske Beat - Funky Tricky (Matush Remix)     05:52
           03. Gabry Sangineto, Pagany & Glen Horsborough -  03:52
               Everyday A New Day (Glen Horsborough Remix)
           04. Teales - Crickets (Lucas Remix)               04:40
           05. Twelve Clouds - One Of Them                   06:14
               (Tommy Vicari Jnr Remix)
           06. Paul Deighton - Do You Remember The Time      06:21
               (DEIGHTON Paul Remix)
           07. ManyNames - Back Again (Shane Fontane Remix)  06:29
           08. Ruben Vidal feat. Rick Galactik & Eman - Open 08:17
               Your Eyes (Coltrane Deeper Remix)
           09. Dj_responski - Talk To Me                     06:02
               (Hypnotica Bo , D* La Cruz Remix)
           10. Flipper - Noir Pt.1 (Cryogenics Remix)        06:11
           11. Mike Ferullo Feat. Alana Kai - Kiss Me        04:06
               (Dark Intensity Remix)
           12. Carlos Tomicic - Introspect (Kenny Remix)     05:44
           13. Szmer - Jester (Dynamic Forces Remix)         04:23
           14. Albert Marzinotto, Stereo Kidz & Marco        06:06
               Santoro - GOLDZILLA (Marco Santoro Remix)
           15. The Prescriber - Bullshit (Forbidden Remix)   06:27
           16. Barbara Tucker Presents The BCrew - Promised  06:36
               Land (Homage) Grand Finale (David Morales Disco
           17. Tataki (DE) - Toxic (AiKAi Remix)             05:45
           18. L Pagani - Atmos (FL!M Remix)                05:52
           19. Mood - Oblivion (Naux Remix)                  07:08
           20. RYKHO - Phoenix (Andy Galea Remix)            05:40
           21. Pomata - La Revolucin Sexual (Club Remix)    03:04
           22. Paperkraft - OK Corral (Aldonna Remix)        05:35
           23. Mr. Root - Without You (BPMA Remix)           06:12
           24. Dj Konik feat. Ludovico - Experience 2024     03:20
               (Techno Extended Remix)
           25. PG2 - Hey-Heeey                               06:21
               (DJ Neil & Julio Posadas Remix)

     About Release    

       Tracks and remixes from Aerobica, Matush, Lucas, Tommy Vicari
       Jnr, Shane Fontane, Cryogenics, Dark Intensity, Kenny,
       Dynamic Forces, Marco Santoro, Forbidden, David Morales,
       AiKAi, FL!M, MOOD, Andy Galea, POMATA, Aldonna, BPMA, Dj
       Konik Feat. Ludovico, Caju Sessions, Danske Beat, Gabry
       Sangineto, Pagany, Glen Horsborough, Teales, Twelve Clouds,
       Paul Deighton, ManyNames, Ruben Vidal feat. Rick Galactik &
       Eman, dj_responski, Flipper, Mike Ferullo feat. Alana Kai,
       Carlos Tomicic, Szmer, Albert Marzinotto, Stereo Kidz, Marco
       Santoro, The Prescriber, Barbara Tucker Presents The BCrew,
       Tataki (DE), L Pagani, RYKHO, Paperkraft, Mr. Root, PG2.



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            NFO by: Eboy^SAC       
                          Updated On 04-24-2020 By COS
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