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VA – Trax For The Track 032 / HOTQTFTT032 / HOT-Q

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 WhiteBit5 Control Your Emotions (Original Mix) 04:49 11
2 Deways 120 Decibels (Original Mix) 04:07 9
3 Oli Hodges & Cain Fox Lunar (Original Mix) 05:40 13
4 Artem Arknet Dreamcatcher (Original Mix) 07:26 17
5 Sergio Pardo Abre Tu Mente (Original Mix) 06:25 15
6 Zero Movement Yakima (Original Mix) 04:56 11
7 Kolin Moar Big City (Radio Edit) 03:08 7
8 Louie Van Wolf She Walked In (Original Mix) 07:08 16
9 D-White Noise Cup Of Tea (Original Mix) 06:04 14
10 Digital Victims New Born (Original Mix) 07:28 17
11 Jose Luis Bernat Promenade (Original Mix) 06:39 15
12 Katy Jean Rath Without You (B'Rude Remix) 03:41 8
13 Arentis To the Future with You (Radio Edit) 04:41 11
14 Acynd I Know What Your Gonna Say (Alternative Mix) 03:21 8
15 Raduga Melody (Radio Version) 03:03 7
16 Sensetive5 Fairytale (Original Mix) 07:36 17
17 Hibernate On To You (Dmitry Molosh Remix) 07:50 18
18 Progressive Thrust The Hideout (Original Mix) 07:11 16
19 Lacandon The Supremacy (Original Mix) 08:16 19
20 Kirill Maxsimoff Insensibility (Original Mix) 04:16 10
21 Dennis Dellacrozz ft. Dirty Basterdz Trespass (Original Mix) 05:25 12
22 Coach Roebuck Building Trusting Networks (Original Mix) 05:33 13
23 Orelse Water (Original Mix) 06:09 14
24 Paul Sawyer I'll Be Here (Simon Sinfield Remix) 06:25 15
25 Chipi vs Rimles Source Of Uncertainty (Original Mix) 07:29 17

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      Release Info    

        Artist: Various Artists
        Title: Trax For The Track 032
        Release Date: 17.03.2024                    Street Year: 2024
        Quality: 320kbps / 44,1 / Joint Stereo      Tracks: 25
        Source: (FLAC) WEB                          Genre: House
        Release Size: 334,56 MB                     Language: English
        Ripper Soft: EAC                            Encoding Soft: LAME
        Label: HOT-Q                                Cat.no: HOTQTFTT032
        Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/545149932


       Track:                 Track titles:                Lenght:       

           01. WhiteBit5 - Control Your Emotions             04:51
               (Original Mix)
           02. Deways - 120 Decibels (Original Mix)          04:10
           03. Oli Hodges & Cain Fox - Lunar (Original Mix)  05:43
           04. Artem Arknet - Dreamcatcher (Original Mix)    07:29
           05. Sergio Pardo - Abre Tu Mente (Original Mix)   06:28
           06. Zero Movement - Yakima (Original Mix)         04:59
           07. Kolin Moar - Big City (Radio Edit)            03:11
           08. Louie Van Wolf - She Walked In (Original Mix) 07:11
           09. D-White Noise - Cup Of Tea (Original Mix)     06:07
           10. Digital Victims - New Born (Original Mix)     07:31
           11. Jose Luis Bernat - Promenade (Original Mix)   06:42
           12. Katy Jean Rath - Without You (B'Rude Remix)   03:44
           13. Arentis - To the Future with You (Radio Edit) 04:44
           14. Acynd - I Know What Your Gonna Say            03:24
               (Alternative Mix)
           15. Raduga - Melody (Radio Version)               03:06
           16. Sensetive5 - Fairytale (Original Mix)         07:39
           17. Hibernate - On To You (Dmitry Molosh Remix)   07:53
           18. Progressive Thrust - The Hideout              07:14
               (Original Mix)
           19. Lacandon - The Supremacy (Original Mix)       08:19
           20. Kirill Maxsimoff - Insensibility              04:18
               (Original Mix)
           21. Dennis Dellacrozz ft. Dirty Basterdz -        05:28
               Trespass (Original Mix)
           22. Coach Roebuck - Building Trusting Networks    05:36
               (Original Mix)
           23. Orelse - Water (Original Mix)                 06:12
           24. Paul Sawyer - I'll Be Here                    06:28
               (Simon Sinfield Remix)
           25. Chipi vs Rimles - Source Of Uncertainty       07:32
               (Original Mix)

     About Release    

       Trax For The Track presents tracks and remixes from Deways,
       Artem Arknet, Sergio Pardo, Zero Movement, Louie Van Wolf,
       D-White Noise, Digital Victims, Jose Luis Bernat, B'Rude,
       Arentis, Acynd, Raduga, Sensetive5, Dmitry Molosh,
       Progressive Thrust, Lacandon, Kirill Maxsimoff, Coach
       Roebuck, Orelse, Simon Sinfield, WhiteBit5, Oli Hodges & Cain
       Fox, Kolin Moar, Katy Jean Rath, Hibernate, Dennis Dellacrozz
       ft Dirty Basterdz, Paul Sawyer, Chipi vs Rimles.



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            NFO by: Eboy^SAC       
                          Updated On 04-24-2020 By COS
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