part of the remix.network

VA – Tribu Ancestral, Vol. 2 (Compiled By David Madrid) / CRR041 / Camel Riders

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Nato (FR), Samarana Vagabundo 06:07 14
2 La Payara feat. Lina Babilonia La Baquillera 04:16 10
3 Pere Runga 07:58 18
4 Yemanjo Tem Coisa Boa 05:08 12
5 Spaniol feat. Pigmaliao Caeiro 05:24 12
6 Makossa (IT) Santuario 05:39 13
7 Nirso Guaxinduba 06:02 14
8 Kraut, Ayahuma Ecstatica 04:56 11
9 Seba Campos Piensalo 05:24 12
10 Marcelo Berges Encontrando El Sol 07:32 17
11 Frikstailers Montevideus 02:59 7
12 Novalima Festejo 03:25 8
13 La Payara Ciclo Del Sol 04:18 10
14 Da Iguana Demonio Termita 04:59 11
15 Ahau Danza Medicina 07:10 16
16 Seel Sale Humo 07:52 18
17 Feller Com Tudo 04:50 11
18 Laion Orquesta De La Selva 05:20 12
19 El Buga Va Al Paraiso 04:34 10
20 Tribilin Sound Pachangoso 06:26 15

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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Various Artists
title > Tribu Ancestral, Vol. 2 (Compiled By David Madrid)
year > 2021
genre > House 
mood > Organic House x Downtempo Electronica 

label > Camel Riders
catno > CRR041

predate > 2021-12-23
tracks > 20 
size > 253.13 mb

url > https://www.deezer.com/en/album/279514562
buy > https://www.beatport.com/release/id/3595296

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codec > MP3 MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.99.1+
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB

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01. Nato (FR), Samarana - Vagabundo 6:07
02. La Payara feat. Lina Babilonia - La Baquillera 4:15
03. Pere - Runga 7:58
04. Yemanjo - Tem Coisa Boa 5:08
05. Spaniol feat. Pigmaliao - Caeiro 5:24
06. Makossa (IT) - Santuario 5:38
07. Nirso - Guaxinduba 6:02
08. Kraut, Ayahuma - Ecstatica 4:56
09. Seba Campos - Piensalo 5:23
10. Marcelo Berges - Encontrando El Sol 7:32
11. Frikstailers - Montevideus 2:59
12. Novalima - Festejo 3:25
13. La Payara - Ciclo Del Sol 4:18
14. Da Iguana - Demonio Termita 4:59
15. Ahau - Danza Medicina 7:10
16. Seel - Sale Humo 7:51
17. Feller - Com Tudo 4:50
18. Laion - Orquesta De La Selva 5:20
19. El Buga - Va Al Paraiso 4:34
20. Tribilin Sound - Pachangoso 6:26


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We are thrilled to share with all of you Camel Riders', our brand new 
Latin-American VA - 'Tribu Ancestral Vol. 2 (Compiled by David 

This 2nd edition includes 20 colourful musical stories influenced by 
the Latin American people, their rhythms, cultures, and creations - 
masterfully crafted with a fresh, futuristic, and very flexible vision 
by a fantastic team of 22 returning and new artists. 

In this assemblage, our Colombian member of the family and versatile 
selector, David Madrid has put together a marvellous and diverse 
collection that will take you on an epic adventure across the streets 
and landscapes of the World's most bio-diverse continent. Get ready to 
discover a wide variety of traditional instruments, breathtaking 
vocals, and an abundance of organic elements and sounds, mixed 
together with electronic beats which vary from Downtempo to Deep House 
with lots of pleasurable and danceable rhythms in between. From 
ancient traditions to avant-garde modern clubbing culture ... visit 
URL to read more 

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last nfo update 2O211211
VA-Tribu_Ancestral_Vol_2_(Compiled_By_David_Madrid)-(CRR041)-WEB-2021-BABAS // filesize: 265627147 // files: 20


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