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VA – Workout Spring 2024 Part 2 / TMR446 / Tiger Music

# artist track title duration size, mb
1 Mark Ikin Raise Me Up (Original Mix) 02:50 6
2 Gareth Souza Out My Mind (Dub Mix) 04:29 10
3 Black Shivers Stay Alive (Original Mix) 02:50 7
4 Alexandra Schwarz Want to Stay (Dub Mix) 04:36 11
5 Empty Rollers Something Matters (Original Mix) 03:09 7
6 Christopher Lake Much Better (Future Rave Mix) 04:06 9
7 The Coachella In Love (Phonk Mix) 02:54 7
8 Gabriel Walker Talkin (Christian Wider Dub Mix) 04:33 10
9 Bassline Culture Next To You (Original Mix) 02:40 6
10 Marvin Brunch In Your Arms (Original Mix) 04:34 10
11 Paolo Maserati Symphony (Dave Burn Remix) 02:57 7
12 Rachel Wins My Emotions (Future Rave Dub Mix) 04:37 11
13 Cevin Fishler Under The Stars (Original Mix) 02:55 7
14 Tim Berton Wonderland (Original Mix) 04:21 10
15 Ben Nickson Come Alive (Original Mix) 04:23 10
16 Raf Ambrosini Feel Better (Clever Motion Remix) 02:46 6
17 Joel Mendez Stay Behind (Original Mix) 04:47 11
18 DMKN Close To Me (Original Mix) 03:04 7
19 Crunchy Masters High and Higher (Original Mix) 03:25 8
20 Nicky James Other Side (Original Mix) 04:07 9
21 Joseph Diaz No Regrets (Philipp Dexter Remix) 04:19 10
22 Anna Davis Never Be The Same (Dub Mix) 04:49 11
23 DJ Kristina Mailana Raving (Original Mix) 04:38 11
24 Gabry Romero Need Something (Mortal Kings Dub Mix) 04:09 10
25 Madison Homes Why Dont You Stay (Jordan Berger Remix) 04:53 11
26 Toneshake Move It Down (Dub Mix) 04:36 11
27 Jason Prime Blinding Lights (Original Mix) 04:23 10
28 Marcelo Flexx Under The Rain (Original Mix) 04:19 10
29 The Space Loop Dancing Like A Freak (JJ Walker Remix) 04:53 11
30 Yolanda Bang New York (Supreme Kids Dub Mix) 04:51 11

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R E L E A S E            
                       I N F O

                Artist: VA
              Title: Workout Spring 2024 Part 2
              Label: Tiger Music
              Catnr: TMR446
             Genre: House
            Str.date: 2024-04-19
              Rip.date: 2024-04-18
             Source: WEB
             Encoder: LAME3.99.5/LAME3.99.1/LAME3.100
              Quality: 320kbps / 44.1kHz / Joint Stereo/Stereo
               Tracks: 30
             Size: 274.7MB
         Url: https://www.deezer.com/album/572509461

        T R A C K                          

        L I S T I N G                                           

    Track  Title                                              Time

    01.    Mark Ikin - Raise Me Up (Original Mix)             02:50
    02.    Gareth Souza - Out My Mind (Dub Mix)               04:29
    03.    Black Shivers - Stay Alive (Original Mix)          02:50
    04.    Alexandra Schwarz - Want to Stay (Dub Mix)         04:36
    05.    Empty Rollers - Something Matters (Original Mix)   03:09
    06.    Christopher Lake - Much Better (Future Rave Mix)   04:06
    07.    The Coachella - In Love (Phonk Mix)                02:54
    08.    Gabriel Walker - Talkin (Christian Wider Dub Mix)  04:32
    09.    Bassline Culture - Next To You (Original Mix)      02:40
    10.    Marvin Brunch - In Your Arms (Original Mix)        04:33
    11.    Paolo Maserati - Symphony (Dave Burn Remix)        02:57
    12.    Rachel Wins - My Emotions (Future Rave Dub Mix)    04:37
    13.    Cevin Fishler - Under The Stars (Original Mix)     02:55
    14.    Tim Berton - Wonderland (Original Mix)             04:20
    15.    Ben Nickson - Come Alive (Original Mix)            04:22
    16.    Raf Ambrosini - Feel Better (Clever Motion Remix)  02:46
    17.    Joel Mendez - Stay Behind (Original Mix)           04:46
    18.    DMKN - Close To Me (Original Mix)                  03:03
    19.    Crunchy Masters - High and Higher (Original Mix)   03:25
    20.    Nicky James - Other Side (Original Mix)            04:07
    21.    Joseph Diaz - No Regrets (Philipp Dexter Remix)    04:18
    22.    Anna Davis - Never Be The Same (Dub Mix)           04:48
    23.    DJ Kristina Mailana - Raving (Original Mix)        04:38
    24.    Gabry Romero - Need Something (Mortal Kings Dub Mix) 04:09
    25.    Madison Homes - Why Dont You Stay (Jordan Berger Remix) 04:53
    26.    Toneshake - Move It Down (Dub Mix)                 04:36
    27.    Jason Prime - Blinding Lights (Original Mix)       04:22
    28.    Marcelo Flexx - Under The Rain (Original Mix)      04:18
    29.    The Space Loop - Dancing Like A Freak (JJ Walker Remix) 04:53
    30.    Yolanda Bang - New York (Supreme Kids Dub Mix)     04:51

        ASCii by                               

                  .R I P P E R S.   

                .C O M M E N T.        

        multiple encoders detected. (LAME3.99.5 | LAME3.99.1 |  

          TEAM ZzZz                     
         salutes all partners     
        in this educational crime!                       
       we thank all the fans, we will
          keep rocking...

                     Greetingz Team ZzZz
VA_-_Workout_Spring_2024_Part_2-(TMR446)-WEB-2024-ZzZz_iNT // filesize: 286503777 // files:


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